Is there any school enrolling in advance in 2023

Yanyu River Ask on 2024-06-16 01:23:21
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Although there is no need to take an exam to divide the primary school directly on the spot, because of the different levels of teachers in different schools, many parents will find schools or study and approve in advance in order to get better education for their children. The following editor will join you to see whether there will be schools enrolling in advance in 2023.

Is there any school enrolling in advance in 2023

Primary school enrollment is in advance.

Many friends are asking whether there are schools that enroll in advance in the primary school. After all, the pressure of going to school is increasing year by year, so many parents will make arrangements in advance. According to the latest data, there are schools that enroll in advance in the primary school. The school enrolls students in advance according to their comprehensive quality and achievements. The specific situation may vary from region to region and school to school. Generally, students need to have good academic performance and comprehensive quality, and also need to participate in relevant selection activities, such as examinations, interviews, sports, art and other aspects of selection. In addition, in some areas, a comprehensive assessment will be made according to the special circumstances of families and social contributions.

When can I enroll in advance

It depends on local regulations.

Early approval of primary school entrance examination is a school selection examination for primary school graduates. Early approval is the division of registration time for primary school entrance examination. Candidates can register for the examination within a predetermined time period, and the examination time will vary according to the registration time. In general, the registration time for early approval is earlier than the ordinary registration time, and the examination time will also be earlier than the ordinary registration time, but the examination content will not change.

How to be admitted to junior high school in advance

It is different in different regions. Some places allow themselves to enroll students, and they can choose top students. In this way, they can be admitted by junior high schools if they have good scores. But in some places, they are randomly lottery according to the number of schools in the area. This requires filling in the volunteers. If they can't win the first one, they can choose the second one. This has nothing to do with whether they have good grades or not.

Yanyu River 2024-06-17 10:33:09

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