What is the correct way to preserve breast milk? How long is the storage time of breast milk

Old Walled Desert Eagle Ask on 2024-06-15 20:16:47
Recommended answer

The storage method of breast milk is to use a special storage bag to store breast milk, which can be stored for about 8 hours by low temperature refrigeration, and can be extended to about 1 month if frozen. Older babies can add some complementary food appropriately. Remember not to eat too much at one time. Adding protein to complementary food properly can supplement nutrition.

There are three points for attention in the process of breast milk storage: First, the corresponding storage container should be selected according to the size of the baby's appetite, to ensure that the storage container is clean and hygienic, and not to store too much to avoid unnecessary waste; 2、 Note that breast milk is stored for 4 hours at room temperature. If it is summer, it is recommended not to exceed 2 hours to avoid diarrhea after drinking; 3、 It is beneficial to apply the size of the storage bag, which will neither make the baby hungry nor cause waste. Record the storage time each time when milking, and give priority to the earliest one when drinking.

Frozen storage of human milk can extend the storage time of human milk to a certain extent, but in principle, this storage method is not recommended, because the quality and nutritional value of unfrozen human milk cannot be guaranteed. During the process of unfreezing human milk, do not directly heat or boil bubbles. You should first wash it with cold water and slowly add hot water to avoid damaging the nutritional value of human milk at high temperatures.

In the process of storing breast milk, remember not to add fresh fruit juice to drink milk, because it will affect the activity of breast milk. In order to ensure the health of breast milk, you must wash your hands before milking. If the stored breast milk is not drunk completely, remember not to pour it out directly for secondary storage, and do not fill the breast milk bag too full during storage to prevent ice from rising and breaking. If the breast milk is stored for a long time, it will be layered, and the color edge is blue or. Brown, but this does not affect the baby before feeding it.

Old Walled Desert Eagle 2024-06-17 10:37:06

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