What are Pan Shiyi's investment projects in the United States

Listen to happiness Ask questions on 2024-06-16 08:08:34
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The real estate project is involved in other projects, but it is not the main business. Pan Shiyi graduated from China Petroleum Pipeline School, so he later joined the Ministry of Petroleum, but there was no way to meet the work of the Ministry of Petroleum. Such an ambitious man decided to enter the southern cities for development.

Start to enter the real estate industry

When I entered the real estate industry, I earned nearly 10 million yuan. Later, I founded a company with my partner, Beijing Wantong Industrial Co., Ltd. I met my wife when I founded the company. She is also an entrepreneur. She is very good at real estate investment, which means that she belongs to the alliance of powerful companies. After their marriage, the two founded SOHO China Co., Ltd., which became bigger and bigger later, and their business began to gradually expand abroad.

Donate 100 million yuan to the United States

Many presenters would have wondered why they chose to donate to American universities instead of Chinese universities because there are many universities in China. Pan Shiyi said that the money was not directly donated to Harvard University, but to some poor students who were going to Harvard University. This is really amazing. It is estimated that there are no poor students who have the opportunity to enter Harvard University. If you really want to help poor students in China, you can create a poor student foundation. The drunkard's intention is not to drink. He chose to do so just to cover up his hidden purpose. It is totally unconscionable to put this choice into the arms of the United States and always show kindness to the United States.

A national disaster looms but no action is taken

If it is said that donation to American universities is an individual charity act, it is doubted that there is nothing to do when China is in trouble. During the epidemic, Pan Shiyi didn't donate anything, just said cheering. At the stage of the outbreak of the epidemic, everyone had the money to make a strong contribution. As an entrepreneur who could enjoy the dividends of national policies, he didn't say anything but simply said "come on", which was really incredible. Now, with the bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank, people pay more attention to Pan Shiyi, and want to know whether Pan Shiyi will go bankrupt as a result.

Listen to happiness 2024-06-17 10:32:47

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