Benefits of soaking medlar in water during menstruation

Girl does not cry when suffering Ask on 2024-06-18 22:26:46
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Many girls like to drink some medlar water to improve themselves when they come to menstruation. The medlar water can replenish qi and blood. Choosing medlar water to recuperate the body can get a very good therapeutic effect. If girls have dysmenorrhea when they come to menstruation, eating this medlar water can also improve their poor health, Drink lycium juice for yourself and improve your physical condition. So what's the benefit of drinking lycium juice during menstruation?

Normal phenomenon

1. Try not to wash your hair during the physiological period. If you have to wash it, try to wash it at noon. After washing, you must blow dry your hair immediately.

2. During the physiological period, you should pay attention to keeping warm, that is to say, you should blow less cold air and wear more clothes in the air conditioning room.

3. Don't drink cold drinks: This is a very basic common sense. Don't violate it. Don't make fun of your beauty. Drinking ice water will prevent dirty blood from draining smoothly, and it is absolutely harmful to stay in the body. Try the following drinks to make your physiological period more comfortable: longan and red dates tea, health preserving tea, Zhenwei Danshen, brown sugar ginger juice, Huangqi and medlar tea, rose tea (especially if you have menstrual pain, you can drink rose tea).

4. Eat some sweet food: eat chocolate and cake during physiological period, because eating sweet food during physiological period is not easy to get fat! It can also help dirty blood metabolism.

5. Refuse fatigue: It is important to have a full rest. Excessive fatigue will lead to prolonged periods or excessive blood loss.

6. Don't be too emotional: It is said that girls will naturally be in a bad mood during their physiological period, but don't allow yourself to lose your temper, because losing your temper will disturb the menstrual period and hurt the liver.

7. Avoid bath: because the mouth is relatively open during the physiological period, it is also more vulnerable to pollution, so it is best to take a shower.

If you can drink this medlar water when you come to the temple, you can also add a little red dates when you drink the medlar water. If you soak the red dates and medlar in water, it will also have a better effect on the improvement of dysmenorrhea. If you often drink this medlar water, it will also have a nutritional effect. When you drink the medlar water, you will also pay attention to the dosage, The quantity must be appropriate.

Girl does not cry when suffering 2024-06-20 11:14:18

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