Can Liuzhou pick the mysterious "flowers of the underworld"?

Entertain immortals Ask on 2024-06-13 09:13:29
Recommended answer

It can't be picked. It is understood that Crystal Orchid has been listed in the national protected plant list and is in the state of national secondary protection. If anyone is found illegally picking crystal orchids, he will be punished by the national law. On Yuanbao Mountain in Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Liuzhou, Guangxi, a rare plant, Crystal Orchid, was discovered, which has aroused widespread concern.

This plant is as white as jade, leafless, rootless, and fragrance free. It emits a crystal clear and attractive luster in the dark light, which makes it particularly distinctive. It is called "Ghost Grass" and "Flower of the Underworld" because of its strange shape and special habitat. Crystal orchid is a very mysterious flower. It grows in a dark environment and is hardly exposed to direct sunlight, but it can blossom into such colorful flowers. The beauty and special growing environment of Crystal Orchid are well known. Because of this, Crystal Orchid has become a favorite plant for many people. The extraordinary charm of crystal orchid comes from its unique shape and color, as well as its adaptability to extreme environments. They are mysterious and charming flowers, which show the diversity and wonderful life in our ecosystem.

Crystal orchid is a kind of wild fern with very precious ecological value and ornamental value. According to experts, the distribution range of crystal orchid is extremely limited, and it only grows in extreme environments such as wet, dark and suitable temperature caves and rock walls. This plant takes dew at night as the main way to absorb nutrients, while during the day it makes energy through photosynthesis of its leaves. Although the appearance of the crystal orchid made the tourists fascinated, the staff reminded them not to pick the crystal orchid. Because once they leave the original environment, they cannot survive, and the picked crystal orchids will soon become black and wither, losing their ornamental value. In addition, picking crystal orchids will also cause damage to its ecological environment, and even endanger the survival of its species.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect the natural environment. We should respect nature, love life and jointly protect these precious plant resources. While appreciating the crystal orchid, we should pay more attention to keeping the environment clean, not littering, not destroying the natural environment at will, and contribute to the protection of the ecological environment. The appearance of crystal orchid has seen the magic of nature. I hope people can protect these precious resources, let them grow and multiply, and leave a beautiful natural environment for future generations.

Entertain immortals 2024-06-17 10:35:55

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