How many times can you soak Junshan silver needle? How long can you soak Junshan silver needle to make soup

Dragon Warrior Rise Ask questions on 2024-06-13 00:26:25
Recommended answer

Junshan Silver Needle is a high-quality green tea, which can be brewed 3-5 times, and the tea brewing time is about 1-2 minutes each time. The actual tea making time can be adjusted according to the individual taste.

Junshan Silver Needle can be soaked several times

Junshan silver needle can be brewed more than six times, but Junshan silver needle is a kind of yellow tea, which may not be comparable to the long-term aroma of rock tea, but it can be brewed many times!

The Junshan silver needle brewed for the sixth time may not be so mellow, but it will be more light and fresh. If you like to drink strong tea flavor, you should not brew it too many times, while tea lovers who like light fragrance and elegance can brew it twice more!

How long does Junshan silver needle make soup

1 When brewing Junshan silver needle, you can choose a transparent glass cup with a volume of 220ml. Each cup can prepare 3-4 grams of Junshan silver needle tea. I will prepare a clean glass sheet to use as the cup cover. When brewing Junshan silver needle tea, you can use clear natural mountain spring water, which should be boiled in advance.

You can brew the soup in 34 seconds

Can Junshan Silver Needle be Cold Soaked

Junshan silver needle, fresh green in color, fresh in aroma, mellow in taste, orange in color, is a treasure of Chinese yellow tea. Junshan Silver Needle is made of plump buds with fine tea making technology. The end product of the tea bud is strong and even in size. The inside of the tea bud is golden yellow, and the package is solid. The shape of the tea bud is like a silver needle, so it gets its name.

In hot summer, the cold soaking method of Junshan Silver Needle is not only delicious, but also simple and fast. The method of making cold tea is very simple. Grab a handful of fresh Junshan silver needles and throw them into the mineral water bottle. Put them into the refrigerator at night. After overnight soaking, the cold tea will be made the next day. As the cold tea after breakfast, the body and mind are cool and sweet, and I feel like a tea tree in the tea garden, being washed by the night dew. Then fill a can with a thermos pot and take it to climb the mountain. When you get to the top of the mountain, the morning sun is warm, you are sweating, and you drink a cup of cold tea with frost gas, you will feel that life is as happy as this.

Do you want to wash tea for Junshan Silver Needle

It is not recommended to wash tea when brewing Junshan Silver Needle.

1. Junshan silver needle belongs to light fermented yellow tea, with tender bud tip, high cleanliness and low foam tolerance;

2. In case of boiling water, the beneficial ingredients in tea will dissolve quickly, and washing tea will let these beneficial ingredients drain away. Therefore, Junshan Silver Needle is not recommended to wash tea.

Dragon Warrior Rise 2024-06-17 10:35:55

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