Does divorce in 2023 require a household register

Keep quiet for a lifetime Ask on 2024-06-13 04:32:41
Recommended answer

Divorce is a common marital status nowadays. Many couples divorce due to emotional incompatibility or other reasons. When handling divorce, they usually need to carry relevant certificates, such as the household registration book, marriage certificate, etc. If there is no household registration book, you can get a household registration certificate at the police station.

Does divorce in 2023 require a household register

To apply for divorce at the Civil Affairs Bureau, you must have a household register. If the household register cannot be issued, the household register certificate issued by the local police station where the household register is located within the validity period can be used.

1. The premise of divorce by agreement is that after both parties reach an agreement, they go to the civil affairs department to go through divorce procedures on the basis of consensus.

2. If the agreement fails, either party can file a lawsuit to the local court to ask for divorce and division of property with the other party to solve the child's problem.

For the above two divorce methods, if you agree to divorce in the civil affairs department, you must have a household register. If you don't have a household registration, you can take your ID card to the police station to issue a household registration certificate.

Do you need a marriage certificate for divorce in 2023

Yes, that's for sure. Marriage certificate is an important evidence to prove the legal marriage relationship between husband and wife. Whether the parties go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register for divorce or to the court to divorce, they need to first prove that there is a legal marriage between men and women. Only on this basis can they divorce.

1. If one of the divorced couples does not have a marriage certificate and only one of the marriage certificates is lost, the marriage registration authority can handle divorce registration according to the marriage certificate of the other party.

2. If both divorced couples do not have marriage certificates and both marriage certificates are lost, the marriage registration authority can handle divorce registration according to the marriage registration files or marriage registration record certificates provided by the parties.

Conditions for divorce registration

1. Both men and women must divorce voluntarily.

2. Both parties have full civil capacity.

3. Both parties hold a divorce agreement, which must contain the intention of both parties to divorce voluntarily and the consensus on matters such as child rearing, property and debt handling.

4. The party concerned holds a marriage certificate issued by the mainland marriage registration authority or Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad.

Keep quiet for a lifetime 2024-06-17 10:31:23

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