Share the specific operation method of opening USB debugging in vivoy91.

No regret Ask questions at 14:31:17, June 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Still wondering how vivoy91 can open USB debugging? Come and learn about opening USB debugging in vivoy91. It will certainly help you.

How to open USB debugging in vivoy91

1. First find the [Setting] function option on the vivoy91 mobile phone desktop and click Open;

2. Click to enter the setting options, find the [More Settings] option, and click Open;

3. In the More Settings interface, find the [About Mobile Phone] function

4. After entering the mobile phone interface, find the [software version number] and click it 7 times consecutively, you will be prompted that you are in the developer option

5. Return to the previous menu, find [Developer Options] and click to enter

6. Pull down to find [USB Debugging], and open the button beside it to start the function.

According to the specific operation method of opening USB debugging in vivoy91 shown above, have you all learned!

No regret 2024-06-17 10:46:46

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