How long does menstruation usually last

Mint Night Ask on 2024-06-17 20:23:04
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*Sutra is a sign for women to become mature. At the same time, they also know that at the beginning, menstruation is irregular. But slowly, the duration of the menstrual cycle will be a long one. Because different people may still have some differences, but not too much. Some girls who just come into contact with menstruation want to ask how long the menstruation lasts? Now let me explain to you female friends.

*The menstrual cycle starts from the first day of bleeding, and the time interval between the first days of two menstrual cycles is called the menstrual cycle. Generally, 28-30 days is a cycle. The length of the cycle varies from person to person.

*The duration of the menstrual cycle is generally 2-7 days, and most of them are 3-6 days. Generally, there is more bleeding on the 2nd to 3rd days of menstruation. Clinically, the number of times of changing sanitary napkins every day is roughly estimated.


*Don't touch cold water during menstruation:

Women's body is originally a negative constitution, and cold must be avoided during the menstrual period, because if we touch cold indirectly during the menstrual period, it will certainly lead to some changes in the body, causing our stomachache, dysmenorrhea. Everyone knows how painful it is, no matter how you feel, it will be particularly uncomfortable, so you should pay attention to not drinking cold water at this time, Never use cold water to wash dishes, clothes, or face. No matter whether you are in cold winter or hot summer, please don't touch cold water during your period.

*Don't touch chilli during menstruation:

Maybe some women are born with the character of "hot girls". They don't care about eating chili peppers every meal. They eat a lot of chili peppers every day. But although chili peppers can help our bodies and change our eating tastes, you know, eating spicy food will definitely hurt our bodies, Then we can't promote the detoxification of our body, which will lead to stomachache, dysmenorrhea and other conditions, so we must be careful not to eat spicy food during menstruation.

*Never eat cold food during menstruation:

Some people naturally like to eat cold food. Due to the pressure of life and the lack of time, they always come home at noon and put the leftovers of the morning in a bowl and start eating. Then they go to work in a hurry. Although this saves time, do you know how difficult cold food is to digest in the stomach? And how does cold food affect our menstruation? It will also cause our stomachache, and there is really no way.

*Never take a bath during menstruation:

I have a friend who thinks she is young and needs to be hygienic and clean every day, so every time she has sex, she doesn't take a bath in the first two or three days, and then on the fourth day and the fifth day when it gradually decreases, she starts to take a bath every day. But I don't know how much damage this will do to her body. If she is not young, I think it will be difficult to survive such a painful process, The next day after taking a bath, you will feel very uncomfortable, inexplicably uncomfortable, and unspeakable, so you should never take a bath for the sake of hygiene.

*Do not take strenuous exercise during menstruation:

*During menstruation, do not insist on running or morning exercises for physical exercise. You can go out for a walk or walk properly. But do not run or play badminton and other strenuous sports, which will not only cause poor excretion in the body, but also have an impact on the body. Therefore, do not take strenuous sports during menstruation.

*Remember to supplement nutrition during menstruation:

It is conceivable that if you have a crack in your body and bleed every day, you can't stand it. During the menstrual cycle, although we are detoxifying, part of our blood will also drain out. So during the menstrual cycle, we must eat more nutrition, brown sugar water, donkey hide gelatin, honey water, milk, jujube and lotus seed soup, etc, In short, you must remember to supplement nutrition and take it hot.

*Do not have sex during menstruation:

*Don't have sex for the sake of temporary desire or pity for your husband during menstruation, because * having sex during menstruation will seriously affect our * amount of excretion, resulting in unsmooth and incomplete detoxification. Finally, more and more toxins accumulated in the body will cause disease, so for your health and your body, Never let your body suffer for the sake of temporary fun. I believe you or your husband will consider it.

It may not be normal when you first have menstruation, so don't worry too much at this time. It will gradually become normal in the future, but it should be noted that during the period of menstruation, both diet and hygiene habits need attention. This is the time when the body's resistance is weak. I hope women will not take it lightly and increase many problems.

Mint Night 2024-06-20 11:14:15

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