A kind of kissing for women can increase life expectancy

Oriental woman Ask on 2024-06-19 21:27:23
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Kissing is not only an important symbol of men and women falling in love, but also contains many health, historical and cultural factors. The following is a British website that summarizes some interesting facts about kissing based on some research in recent years. Let's get to know about it:

The kissing style was formed in the fetal period.

Whether it's Hollywood blockbusters or paintings or sculptures, most men and women kiss with their heads tilted to the right. A German researcher observed more than 100 couples and found that 2/3 of them leaned their heads to the right when kissing. The scientific community believes that this kissing habit is formed in the womb, because the fetal head in the womb is generally tilted to the right.

Kissing requires 146 muscles to work together.

A gentle kiss requires 146 muscles, including 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles. A research team from Rennes Research Institute of British University College observed kissing couples with the help of nuclear magnetic resonance technology and found that the orbicularis oris muscle was mainly used in kissing.

Kissing is a subject.

There is a discipline specialized in kissing abroad, called philology, and researchers specializing in this discipline are called osculologists.

Italians are good kissers.

56% of the people in the world seldom kiss passionately, but 75% of the Italians said they would kiss their partners several times a week.

On average, people spend about two weeks kissing in their whole life.

Experts estimate that the average person spends 20160 minutes, about 2 weeks, in kissing.

The longest kissing time exceeds 58 hours in the world record.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a Thai man and woman held the world record for the longest kiss, which lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds.

France once banned kissing on trains.

Since French kissing will cause train delay, people are forbidden to kiss on the train.

A wife's kiss prolongs life.

A famous study found that if a man's wife kisses him on the cheek every day before going to work, he can live five years longer than those men who do not enjoy this treatment.

Oriental woman 2024-06-20 11:13:40

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