What does two long and one short incense represent

Time doesn't lie Ask questions on 2024-06-15 04:55:28
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The two long incense sticks and one short incense sticks represent what many people have doubts about. Although we all advocate advocating science at present, the custom of burning incense and worshipping Buddha on festivals exists in many places. Since burning incense and worshiping Buddha is a very serious matter, everyone will cause public debate whenever there is any situation when burning incense.

What does two long and one short incense represent

If two sticks are long and one stick is short, there are different situations. For example, the two sticks on the left are high, and the one on the right is low. The two on the right are high, and the one on the left is low. Incense burning is a ceremony of worshiping gods and worshipping Buddhas. It has become one of the traditional Chinese cultures to burn incense and insert it in the incense burner during worship to show sincerity and respect. When offering incense to Buddha, you should be careful to be pure. The fruit can be spotless and blessed. If you want to make a wish, you should give up the idea of selfishness and self-interest at the expense of others, and make a great wish to benefit the society and all living beings. The Buddhist scripture says that "when you worship the Buddha, you will destroy the river and sand of sin; when you chant the Buddha, you will increase your blessings immeasurably".

How about low in the middle and high on both sides

When applying incense, the middle is low and the sides are high. At this time, if the two sides are flat, and the middle is 1-2 mm lower, it is "small lotus fragrance", and someone will come to see you within seven days; If the middle is about 5-8 mm lower, it is the "scent of big lotus", and there will be a joy of wealth within seven days; If it is 10-14mm lower, it is "Yu Ruixiang", and there is a good omen in three days. So there are different phenomena when incense is applied, which will have different effects on people. You must understand this phenomenon and make it convenient for future life planning.

The correct posture of incense

Posture is also very important when applying incense, that is, the gesture of holding incense. When burning incense, use your left hand to hold the incense. The incense should be ignited at one time. After burning incense, if the fire in your hand is not extinguished, do not blow with your mouth. Hold the incense and shake it in the air for a few times to extinguish it. When offering incense, you should keep a calm mood and not think about things. Keep a pious attitude in your heart, so that there are no distractions in your heart. Therefore, when applying incense, you must be careful not to blow out the incense with your mouth. You can shake it to let it go out naturally, which is the most correct.

Time doesn't lie 2024-06-17 10:33:52

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