Let me teach you how to synchronize the Gudong movement with WeChat movement

To grieve alone when things and people change Ask on 2024-06-15 01:14:44
Recommended answer

1. Open Gudong Sports, enter the personal details page, and click "Settings" in the upper right corner:

2. Click "Account Binding":

3. Press the arrow, WeChat account → unbind, click to confirm login:

4. At this point, WeChat Sports can use Gudong data. WeChat opens the public account "WeChat Sports", click my "My Home Page" in the menu below, and you can view your own WeChat sports steps.

According to the specific operation method of synchronization of Gudong Sports and WeChat Sports shared for you above, you should try it yourself!

To grieve alone when things and people change 2024-06-17 10:49:10

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