What to do about dozing? How to effectively prevent dozing

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When spring comes, many people will more or less want to doze off at noon. In fact, this is due to your poor sleep quality at night. What should we do about dozing off? How can we effectively prevent drowsiness? Today's editor will tell you effective ways to prevent drowsiness. Let's have a look.

Can't sleep at night, can't sleep during the day

Most adults in China suffer from insomnia, which is higher than that in other countries in the United States. Among insomniacs, most of their personality characteristics are sensitive, suspicious, hesitant, subjective, stubborn, like to pursue perfection in everything, and have a strong sense of time urgency.

Insomniacs are also prone to drowsiness during the day, but it is recommended to sleep less during the day. Even if you take a nap, it is better not to exceed 30 minutes, otherwise it is more likely to affect the normal sleep at night.

In addition to sleep related diseases, physiological factors such as hypoglycemia and decreased immunity may also lead to lethargy. The brain needs to absorb sugar as a source of energy, so hypoglycemia can easily cause fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, inability to concentrate and other symptoms.

Some common fevers and colds in our life will make our body immune decline, thus making us sleepy. Because when the body is infected, immune cells such as white blood cells and lymphocytes will play a role immediately. At the same time, in order to avoid temperature rise and energy consumption of muscles and brain, people will feel like resting.

In addition, some living and working habits also cause people to fall asleep, so we should learn self-regulation. Loving to doze is closely related to eating habits and nutritional status.

Usually, people who often overeat, especially those who eat too much sugar and fatty foods, will be more likely to doze off due to lack of B vitamins.

In addition to eating habits, people who have been engaged in monotonous work for a long time are also prone to burnout and lethargy. Being familiar with the working procedure, people's spirit naturally relaxes. When a person works monotonously, he will doze off once every 11 minutes on average.

On the contrary, if your work is more exciting and exciting, you will become energetic under the constant stimulation of neurotransmitters such as adrenaline and dopamine.

Frequent dozing may be due to insufficient sleep, or it may be caused by disease or the decline of body immune function. Whatever the reason, you should timely recuperate your body.

What should I do if I often doze off

1. Prepare a bottle of essential balm, open the bottle cap, gently drop the first drop on your finger, and rub the essential balm on your hand on your temple.

2. Take a glass of water and put a small drop of essential balm into the water. A small sip of essential balm can effectively prevent drowsiness.

3. When you are sleepy, make yourself painful or prepare something to scratch, and make your nerves instantly excited.

4. Prepare some strong tea to put in the place where you live, work or study for a long time. Whenever there is a sign of sleepiness, go to make a cup of tea and drink a little.

5. Buy some coffee. Drinking some coffee when you are sleepy can prevent you from falling asleep.

6. Make sure you get enough sleep. You can sleep before 23:00 every day. Make sure you can sleep for seven hours every day, and you will not be sleepy.

7. Eat a reasonable diet, eat more fruits, vegetables, fish and other foods that are beneficial to the body, and supplement the materials needed by the body, so that you can be energetic and not sleepy.

What's good for dozing off

1. Banana

Bananas contain carbohydrates that are easily absorbed by the human body, and are also rich in potassium. Potassium can help maintain the normal function of muscles and nerves in the human body, so it can effectively drive off drowsiness.

However, it cannot be stored in the human body for a long time. Especially after strenuous exercise, the potassium in the body will drop very low. At this time, you can eat several bananas to supplement the potassium deficiency.

2. Strawberry

When you feel tired and sleepy, you can eat not only a banana, but also a few strawberries. Because strawberries contain rich vitamin C, which helps the human body absorb iron and nourish cells, eating more strawberries can make people energetic.

3. Bean products

Soy products, lean meat, pig liver and other foods contain rich iron, which is easy to be absorbed. Iron is the main medium for generating human energy, and it undertakes the important task of delivering oxygen to human organs and muscles.

Usually eat more red beans, black beans or soybeans, which can play the role of supplementing iron and effectively improve the condition of fatigue and weakness.

4. Spinach

Spinach contains magnesium, a mineral that women tend to lack. The role of magnesium in the human body is to convert carbohydrates in muscles into usable energy. Therefore, eating more spinach can also improve your spirit. No wonder Popeye also needs to eat spinach!

5. Tuna

Among the high protein fish, tuna is rich in tyramine, which can help produce neurotransmitters in the brain in the human body, make people focus and think quickly, and is very helpful in treating lethargy after lunch.

So people who are prone to doze off at work may as well add some tuna to their lunch, which will not only make you more energetic in the afternoon, but also make you more efficient!

It's getting dark 2024-06-20 11:20:32

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