Before and after the snowy solar term, the yang gas reservoir can be "connected to the yang" through the spring onion

Listen to the wind and rain in the small building Ask questions on 2024-06-18 14:18:06
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Winter is a relatively long season in a year, especially during the period before and after the heavy snow solar term, when the weather is still cold, many people want to change their thick cotton padded jacket early to get rid of some weight for themselves, and they are also eager to lose weight in diet, which is easy to cause colds and other diseases, leading to the decline of body resistance. Nutrition experts suggest that it is cold and cold, and health should start from diet. The sun is stored before and after the snowy solar term. A root of green onion can "communicate with the sun". There are also many foods worth buying.

Yang gas reservoir, the root scallion can "pass the yang"

Before and after the heavy snow solar term, the weather is cold. If you do not pay attention to the riots, it is easy to let the cold air invade your body and cause diseases. In addition, at this time, yang is hidden, and you need to take proper dietary conditioning to get through yang. Therefore, Chinese medicine health advice, before and after the snow solar term, yang gas reservoir, to root spring onion can "Tong Yang", there are many dietary suggestions also need to be understood.

According to dietotherapy experts, the period before and after the heavy snow solar term is the high incidence stage of wind cold cold. The main symptom of wind cold cold is fear of cold and wind. Usually, you need to wear a lot of clothes or cover a large quilt to feel comfortable. A runny nose is clear, white or slightly yellowish; If your nose is blocked and you don't run, drink some hot water and start to run. This is also a cold. Although the cause of wind cold is the infection of wind cold, the decline of human resistance is the internal cause of the deficiency of healthy qi, which is often said in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, when the weather is cold, it is helpful to eat some food that is beneficial to qi and yang to prevent colds.

Although the green part of the scallion is much more nutritious than the white part, the effect of the scallion is greater from the perspective of yang ventilation and dietotherapy. For example, many classic dietotherapy formulas for cold cold have scallion as medicine, such as the main component of the scallion and lobster sauce soup is scallion. Scallion is pungent in taste and slightly warm in nature. It has the function of activating yang, detoxifying and flavoring. In addition to being used to prevent and cure cold, it also has certain dietotherapy effect on cold yin, abdominal pain, aversion to cold, fever, headache, nasal congestion, and milk blockage. It should be reminded that the general population can eat scallions, but people with gastrointestinal diseases, especially ulcers, should not eat more.

Less light, red radish tassel calcium supplement

The arrival of the snow season marks the official beginning of the alternation of autumn and winter. This is the time when the sun is weak and the human body is affected by cold temperatures. Physiological functions and appetite will change. Therefore, we should properly adjust our daily diet to ensure that the body has sufficient calcium sources to make winter warm.

Experts said that calcium is the main component of bones, known as the life metal of the human body. The shorter sunshine time in winter will affect the formation of vitamin D. The urine output of human body will increase in cold weather, and the amount of inorganic salt discharged with urine will also increase. The human body is often short of potassium, calcium, sodium, iron and other elements, especially the elderly. Therefore, calcium should be supplemented in time.

Many readers think it is reasonable to cut off the radish tassel from the big red radish they bought, but the Chinese medicine doctor reminds readers that the radish tassel is the vegetable with the highest calcium content, which is very suitable for people lacking calcium. Take soybeans, which are said to have good calcium supplement effect, for example, the calcium content per 100g of soybeans is about 191 mg, but the calcium content per 100g of carrot tassel is 350 mg, which is almost double that of soybeans. In the table of food nutrition elements, the calcium content of every 100g red (white) radish tassel is 350mg, ranking first in the calcium content of all vegetables, the calcium content of small radish tassel is 238mg, and that of green radish tassel is 110mg, also ranking top in the calcium content list.

Like many vegetables, radish tassels are easy to lose vitamins. It's better to blanch them and eat them with cold sauce. A salad radish tassel can fully meet the daily needs of vitamin A and K, 55% vitamin C, 27% folic acid, and 10% calcium and manganese.

Dry skin, Chinese cabbage skin care

The air is particularly dry during the heavy snow solar term. The cold wind makes many readers' friends' skin dry. Many office workers are closed in the air conditioning room with the heating turned on after arriving at the unit, and the skin moisture loss is faster accordingly. Many readers know that Chinese cabbage is a nutritious tonic. Experts remind that eating Chinese cabbage in winter also has the effect of skin care. This is mainly because Chinese cabbage is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, which can play a good role in skin care and beauty. Chinese cabbage is rich in crude fiber, which can not only moisten the intestines and promote detoxification, but also stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote stool excretion and help digestion.

Readers are especially reminded that Chinese cabbage should be cut vertically, because it is better to preserve water in this way, so that the water loss in the dish will be reduced, and the loss of water-soluble nutrients will also be reduced. Secondly, the cabbage is easy to ripen and the loss of vitamins is reduced. Thirdly, the silk cutting of Chinese cabbage can retain more crude fiber, which is more conducive to stimulating intestinal peristalsis to increase the effect of detoxification, skin care and beauty care.

It can be seen that the requirements of winter health care on diet are relatively high. Everyone must adhere to the principles of diet and properly follow the advice of nutrition experts, especially the yang qi reservoir before and after the snow solar term. The root of green onion can "communicate yang". In addition, in the case of dry skin and less sunshine, other nutritional vegetables and fruits should also be properly supplemented to maintain a healthy body.

Listen to the wind and rain in the small building 2024-06-20 11:21:21

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