The weight gauge is not correct? Blame it on your ignorance of weight

Be safe and be myself Ask questions on 2024-06-19 12:18:44
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The weight gauge is not correct? Blame it on your ignorance of weight

It's normal that the weight changes all the time

If you are actively trying to lose weight, the number on the scale is not only confusing, it is also very frustrating. When you think that you can lose weight by working hard and not eating snacks, nothing can erase our enthusiasm and perseverance more than this fact.

According to Martin Robbins, this unreasonable situation completely makes sense. Why? Because there are many things happening in your body at any time, it is very meaningful to look at them individually. He said: "Measuring weight is like a public opinion poll - individual results will not tell you anything because there are too many random interferences, errors and changes. Only when you get a lot of results can you begin to understand reliable trends."

Experimentation reveals true knowledge: the body changes all the time, and the accurate weight cannot be obtained at a random time

In order to better understand what happened when he changed his weight, Robbins gave himself more than one very ambitious task: during the three-day long weekend, he had to measure his weight every hour when he was awake. He will also accurately record the weight of what he eats and drinks, and even the weight of his urine. He said: "I will also estimate the weight of my shit.

Three and a half days later (from 6 p.m. on Friday to 9 a.m. on Tuesday), Robbins consumed a total of 14.86 kg of food, including 3.58 kg of food and 11.28 kg of drinks. Although this may sound a lot (and indeed a lot), it does not mean that he has been eating and drinking. At the end of his experiment, he lost 1.86 kg, which means his body lost 16.72 kg over the weekend.

He said: "Of the 16.72 kg, 7.4 kg is urine and about 1.8 kg is feces, but 7.52 kg has disappeared into the air. Where has it gone?"

Robbins believes that we have been losing weight in a way we never thought of, which has nothing to do with healthy diet and exercise. It is undeniable that running 5km on weekends will make him lose 1kg of sweat. But there are other unnoticed weight loss: the weight loss per hour will be 69 grams for no reason (1.65 kilograms per 24 hours).

He said: "In fact, I am really being slowly evaporated into the thin air. Humans breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, that is, oxygen plus a carbon atom. All these carbon atoms must come from somewhere in the body, and they are replenished very quickly -- with an exercise in one day, people of my size may breathe out half a kilogram of carbon“

Robbins estimated that we also lost the same weight on the exhaled water vapor and the sweat evaporated on the skin surface. After he calculated these extra things, the mystery of his weight loss was solved. He said, "It also revealed another surprising truth: your butt does excrete something, but my pencil, lungs and skin excrete far more waste than my butt."

Robbins' conclusion is that since all parts of our body are slowly helping us lose weight, it is impossible to obtain accurate weight by randomly weighing once a day.

The average weight is accurate

He also said: "Although there are not many weight losses that we did not realize, I think it has shown how unreliable it is to measure our weight alone. In any day, my weight may fluctuate 1.8 kg, and in any predictable time, about 5.4 kg of things will enter and exit my big meat tube."

The best way to measure weight (especially if you are very sensitive to weight) is to stand on the scale, but don't care about the numbers above. Instead, you should calculate your long-term weight so that you can get a closer look at how our weight is changing.

So you can choose to measure your weight every morning, but please ignore the number on the scale. Instead, use your average weight in the past 7 days (preferably 10 or 14 days) to see how your weight changes over time in a few weeks. This is the truth.

It's really knowledge raising. It's better to record and calculate the average value instead of focusing on the changes of weight every day.

Be safe and be myself 2024-06-20 11:22:46

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