What does it mean that the WHO monkeypox epidemic no longer constitutes a "public health emergency of international concern"?

Precious old friends Ask on 22:00:13, June 16, 2024
Recommended answer

It represents the efforts and progress made in the global response to the epidemic, but it is still necessary to remain vigilant and take more active and effective measures to ensure the safety of global public health. On May 11, the World Health Organization announced that the monkeypox epidemic was no longer regarded as a "public health emergency of international concern".

Director General Tan Desai said at the press conference: "The number of reported cases in the past three months has decreased by nearly 90% compared with the previous three months." This is a gratifying progress, which proves the efforts and achievements of the world in dealing with this infectious disease. He also emphasized the similarity between the monkeypox epidemic and the COVID-19 epidemic. Even if the emergency state is lifted for the monkeypox epidemic, it should not be taken lightly. Although the monkeypox epidemic is no longer regarded as a "public health emergency of international concern", it does not mean that the epidemic has been comprehensively resolved. Monkeypox will pose a major challenge to public health if it continues, which requires proactive and sustainable response and further strong promotion measures. Although the global monkeypox epidemic has been effectively controlled except for a few regions, we still cannot relax our vigilance.

This decision reminds us that we must remain alert and act to deal with the emerging new infectious diseases in the world. In the past few years, we have witnessed the impact of many outbreaks on global public health, including SARS, COVID-19 and H1N1 influenza. These events tell us that when faced with unknown diseases, only decisive action can be taken to protect global public health security.

We will pool global resources and establish a mechanism for coordination and cooperation so that we can quickly respond to and control possible outbreaks and strengthen the ability to prevent and control diseases. This requires close cooperation among countries, international organizations, civil society and private enterprises to ensure better prediction, response and control of possible viruses in the future. You must re-examine your health and lifestyle. In the long run, only by strengthening personal health management and improving health awareness can we strengthen our immunity and prevent more infectious and chronic diseases.

Precious old friends 2024-06-17 10:35:52

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