Since April 8, Yaya's living quarters have all been handed over to Chinese personnel. How is Yaya now?

Silent Bear Ask questions on 2024-06-14 03:52:56
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Now there is no malnutrition, diarrhea and rigid behavior. Yaya, a giant panda in the US, has entered the countdown to returning to China. With the expiration of the contract getting closer, good news has finally come to the attention of the public. From April 8, Yaya's life will be handed over to China, which is great news for China. Now there are a lot of people in the Panda House of Beijing Zoo, I am eager to see Yaya. Due to the epidemic situation, Yaya's return time has been delayed again and again. Finally, I got the news that Yaya is going to return home.

After returning to China, Yaya will first be quarantined in Shanghai for quarantine inspection in the zoo. Now Yaya is almost 23 years old. With the growth of her age, her digestive and absorptive capacities are declining. In order to make Yaya have a better living environment and be able to absorb more nutritionally balanced food, she has specially assigned keepers to take care of her life alone, Now Yaya will face a new living environment when she returns to China. She may not adapt to the new living environment for Yaya who has lived abroad for 20 years. But I believe that providing delicious food and suitable living environment for Yao Yao in China can help Yaya get familiar with it as soon as possible.

On April 8, the living quarters of Ailuropoda melanoleuca Yaya were all handed over to Chinese personnel, which means that Yaya will no longer stay in the United States. Many people are pleased with Yaya's return journey. After all, giant pandas are China's national treasure, and they should live in their hometown. Yaya has lived in the United States for a long time, and can better adapt to her living environment after returning to China.

However, some people are worried about Yaya's return. Yaya may have adapted to the climate and environment of the United States after living in the United States for such a long time, and may have adaptation problems after returning to China. In response to these concerns, the staff of the Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding said that they have prepared a comfortable living environment for Yaya, including a suitable climate, diet and shelter. The staff will also carry out adaptive training for Yaya to ensure that she can adapt to her new life.

Silent Bear 2024-06-17 10:33:55

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