What are the characteristics of the brown bear in the zoo

Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love Ask questions at 18:43:15, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

The main characteristics are different colors, strong arms, like to move in the daytime, and generally slow action. Basically, they like to act alone, but there is no fixed place to rest. You can choose a place to rest at will. I like to eat ant carrion, fish and so on. I hibernate in winter.

Characteristics of brown bear

The body length of the brown bear is about 1.5 to 2.8 meters, and the shoulder height is 0.9 to 1.5 meters. The head is relatively large, the body looks very fat, with thick hair, and sometimes it is close to 10 cm in winter. Brown bears have different colors, including black, brown, gold, and brown black. The back of the hand of the brown bear is very powerful, and the maximum length of the paw tip of the front paw will be about 15cm. Since the paw tip can not be as sharp and flexible as the cat, it will be relatively dull, but the destructive power is very strong.


I always like living. In cold and temperate regions, I usually do activities in the daytime, and the activities are slow. There is no fixed place to rest. Even if I like to act alone, I also like many common plants, such as grains, fruits, forage, roots and tubers.

The food also includes some small animals, such as rodents, insects, ants, fish, and carrion. These brown bears do have some unique features. For example, during hibernation, whether it is the detoxification system, the heartbeat system, or the body temperature, they may enter the stage of shutdown. At this time, we also hope to reduce the loss of heat and calcium, effectively prevent osteoporosis and effectively prevent hyperthermia. Winter hibernation lasts about three months, and can be restored to the original state with the gradual increase of temperature. At this stage, food will not appear randomly, and there will be no movement, and food will be stored early.

Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love 2024-06-17 10:32:50

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