Can fermented glutinous rice balls be heated in microwave oven

It's worth living Ask on 2024-06-13 02:55:16
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Fermented glutinous rice dumpling is a sweet soup made from rice wine and glutinous rice dumpling. It tastes sweet and delicious, soft and glutinous, tastes good, and is loved by people. Generally, fermented glutinous rice balls can be heated and eaten in microwave oven, but attention should be paid to the method of punching holes for exhaust to avoid explosion.

Can fermented glutinous rice balls be heated in microwave oven

The microwave oven can heat dumplings.

First, you need to prepare some fermented glutinous rice, and then pour the fermented rice into a bowl filled with hot water. Note that the hot water must not exceed the tangyuan, which can save the time required for heating.

Then wrap the bowl with tangyuan with plastic wrap, and poke several holes on the surface to dissipate heat, so as to avoid that there is no place to discharge the gas in the bowl during heating.

After finishing the above, you can put the dumplings into the microwave oven, adjust the medium heat gear and heat for about three minutes. If you can see the dumplings floating, it means that they have been heated and can be eaten directly.

Can fermented glutinous rice balls explode when heated in microwave oven

1. The rice dumpling cooked in microwave oven will not explode if used correctly, and may explode if used incorrectly. Microwave oven is a cooking appliance that uses food to absorb microwave energy in microwave field to heat itself.

2. When microwave is absorbed by food, polar molecules in food (such as water, fat, protein, sugar, etc.) are attracted to oscillate rapidly at a rate of 2.45 billion times per second. This kind of oscillation will overheat the inside of the dumpling, resulting in huge pressure. When it is subject to external interference, the pressure will be released and may explode.

How to make glutinous rice dumpling

Ingredients: glutinous rice flour, fermented glutinous rice, white sugar, Chinese wolfberry.

How to do it: 1. Pour the prepared glutinous rice flour into a bowl, and slowly add proper amount of water. While adding water, continue to stir until the rice flour is mixed into a dough.

2. Add proper amount of water into the pot, boil it over high heat, then put the glutinous rice dough into the pot and boil it over high heat.

3. When the glutinous rice flour is soft and starts to float in the pot, take out the dough.

4. Knead the dough into small balls one by one.

5. Boil water again in the pot, put the prepared glutinous rice balls into the pot and boil them. When all the glutinous rice balls are boiled, take them out and pour them into the mash.

6. Add proper amount of sugar and medlar, and you can eat it.

It's worth living 2024-06-17 10:31:30

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