Let me share the simple operation of setting the timing switch on/off in Huawei nova3e.

able men tied down to a routine post Ask questions on June 13, 2024-17:38:43
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Recently, some friends asked me how to set the timing switch on/off in Huawei's nova3e? Here is a simple operation of setting the timing switch on and off in Huawei nova3e. If you need it, you can learn about it.

Simple operation of setting timing switch in Huawei nova3e

1. Click to enter settings

2. Click to open accessibility

3. Click to open the timing switch

4. Finally, click the switch on the right side of Open Timed Startup/Shutdown to open the timed startup/shutdown. You can also click the following startup/shutdown time to set the time

able men tied down to a routine post 2024-06-17 10:44:27

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