Is Mycoplasma Pneumonia Only for Children

See all the sails Ask questions on 2024-06-13 22:27:11
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Mycoplasma pneumonia is a popular infectious disease this autumn. Many children have become ill, especially those with poor resistance. However, children are not the only ones who can get mycoplasma pneumonia. Adults are also easy to get sick when taking care of children.

Is Mycoplasma Pneumonia Only in Children

Not at all.

Recently, "mycoplasma pneumonia" has become a hot topic with high public attention. Children or infants are not the only ones infected with this disease. Adults also face considerable risks. Especially for children who have been infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae at home, their parents are not immune.

Mycoplasma pneumonia is a lower respiratory tract disease caused by mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. Although mycoplasma pneumonia is more common in children, it is infectious. If adults do not take protective measures when taking care of children, inhale the secretions emitted by children when they cough and sneeze, and their own immunity is low, they may be infected with mycoplasma pneumonia, resulting in illness.

Why do children have mycoplasma pneumonia

1. Mycoplasma infection

Before mycoplasma pneumonia occurs in a child, it is usually accompanied by upper respiratory tract infection, so runny nose, sore throat, cough and other symptoms may occur. Most cases are caused by mycoplasma infection. If the child's own resistance is relatively weak or the body inflammation is relatively serious, it may develop into pneumonia, which is more harmful to the child.

2. Basic disease

Another situation is that if the child has poor resistance or some basic diseases, mycoplasma can also attack the patient's lungs, causing the occurrence of mycoplasma pneumonia.

The causes of mycoplasma pneumonia in children are complicated, so if you feel unwell, you must go to the hospital in time for examination and treatment. If the fever of mycoplasma pneumonia exceeds 39 degrees, ibuprofen suspension should be taken to reduce the fever. In addition, if there is cough, some antitussive and expectorant drugs can be taken properly. However, for the treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia, anti-inflammatory treatment is mainly needed. In clinical practice, intravenous drip of azithromycin is often used for anti-inflammatory treatment.

Who is the population with high incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia

Generally speaking, children, the elderly and the infirm, and patients with chronic respiratory diseases are the high risk groups of mycoplasma pneumonia.

1. Children: children are vulnerable to infection because their body development is not perfect, their resistance is low, and their respiratory defense ability is weak;

2. The elderly and the weak: when the body resistance of the elderly decreases or the defense function of the respiratory system decreases, mycoplasma is easy to invade the body, causing mycoplasma pneumonia;

3. Patients with chronic respiratory diseases in the past, such as sinusitis and tonsillitis, are more likely to get sick.

See all the sails 2024-06-17 10:41:24

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