Can you eat coconut paste directly

Smile no matter how hard it is Ask on 2024-06-16 04:26:26
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If coconut paste is used in desserts, many of them need to be baked. Can you eat it directly? What kind of delicious food is coconut paste used for?

Can you eat coconut paste directly

Coconut paste usually refers to the mixture of coconut silk and coconut powder. Generally, coconut paste is eaten raw, and the details are as follows:

Cut the fresh coconut meat into strips or filaments, and then dry or dry it to get coconut silk. Grind it into powder to get coconut powder. Coconut paste usually refers to the mixture of coconut silk and coconut powder, which is eaten raw and has high nutritional value. It is rich in sugar, protein, vitamins, potassium, magnesium and other nutrients needed by the body. Coconut paste can be used as filling for cakes, moon cakes and other foods, It can also be sprinkled on the surface of ice sugar gourd, bread and other foods, which can effectively enhance the taste.

Eating coconut paste should not be excessive, so as not to stimulate the stomach and intestines, abdominal pain, abdominal distension and other uncomfortable symptoms. People who suffer from insomnia and get angry should try to avoid eating coconut paste, so as not to aggravate the disease.

What's delicious with coconut paste

1. Glutinous Rice Balls with Coconut Paste.

Ingredients: 300g glutinous rice flour, 70g coconut paste, and bean paste.

Method: The glutinous rice flour is mixed with warm water to form a smooth dough, which is divided into 12 dosage forms. Each preparation is wrapped with bean paste to make dumplings. Boil water in a pot. After the water boils, turn down the heat and cook dumplings. Prepare a plate, put coconut paste into it, float the tangyuan, scoop it up with a colander, roll it into the coconut paste plate, and dip it with coconut paste.

2. Coconut balls.

Ingredients: 100g coconut paste, 30g butter, 50g sugar, 30g milk powder, 70g whole eggs, 10g cooked sesame seeds.

Method: Put the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and butter, heat with hot water and keep stirring until the butter melts. Add coconut paste, cooked sesame and milk powder into a bowl, and mix well. Use a spoon to dig out a spoonful of mixed coconut paste, put it in the palm of your hand, roll it into a round ball the size of a chestnut, and place it in the baking pan. Put it in the middle of the oven, bake it at 160 ℃ for 15 minutes until golden brown.

3. Coconut cake.

Ingredients: ingredients 1 (cake crust): 150g of low powder, 70g of butter, 20g of sugar, 30g of whole egg liquid, 60g of coconut paste, 70g of sugar, 30g of low powder, 30g of butter, 90g of coconut milk, one and a half eggs of whole egg liquid, 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder.

How to do it: First make the crust. Heat the butter to melt, add sugar and stir until it dissolves. Turn off the fire. Add half of the egg liquid into the butter liquid with the remaining temperature, and quickly stir it evenly. Add low powder to form a dough, and put it aside to wake up.

Make coconut paste butter and heat it to melt. Add sugar and beat until well heated. Pour the egg and milk into the butter and stir well, then sift in the low powder, add the coconut paste and stir well.

The raw materials of the pie crust are divided into 10 equal parts, rounded and filled into the mold, and then gently pressed along the mold edge. The raw materials of the pie crust are pushed onto the mold edge wall, and the filling should be filled into the pie crust evenly. Preheat the oven at 190 ℃, and heat the upper, lower, middle and lower layers for 25 minutes.

Does coconut paste taste

Fresh coconut paste is delicious. The fresh coconut paste has a large amount, light milk flavor and delicate taste.

Do you have oil in coconut paste

Oil cannot be extracted from the juice squeezed coconut. Generally, the water in the juice squeezed coconut is filtered out into white coconut milk. If the coconut milk is kept in the refrigerator for half a day, the water and oil will be separated. The separated oil is coconut oil. So it is coconut milk that can separate oil, rather than coconut juice

Smile no matter how hard it is 2024-06-17 10:34:01

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