What is the specific date of Yaya's return to the United States?

grasp all, lose all Ask questions at 07:30:31, June 13, 2024
Recommended answer

The United States has issued a public notice on the website of the Federal Register, announcing the time of Yaya's return. The public notice period of this document officially started on March 13 and ended on April 12, a total of 31 days. When the publicity is over, USFES will issue a permit. The return of Yaya, a giant panda in the United States, has touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. Seeing the publicity date, Yaya feels closer to home.

We all hope that Yaya can return to her hometown as soon as possible. At that time, for the sake of friendly relations between the two countries, we lent pandas to the United States. The agreement was signed in 2003. Lele and Yaya left their hometown and lent pandas to the United States. According to the agreement, Yaya and Lele should have returned to China in 2013, but after the expiration of the contract, the United States continued to sign a new contract with China for another 10 years. Finally, in 2023, Yaya and Lele will return to China, but this pleasure does not belong to Lele.

Lele died in February 2023. Seeing Lele's death, netizens all hope that Yaya can return home as soon as possible. We have lost Lele and don't want to lose Yaya anymore. Now Yaya is not friendly in the United States. Although Beijing Zoo has also sent veterinarians and keepers to the United States to escort and care for Yaya, However, we still hope that Yaya can return to China as soon as possible. Now both China and the United States are actively accelerating the relevant procedures for the return of Ailuropoda melanoleuca Yaya. China has made all the preparations for welcoming Yaya home, including the feeding plan of the breeding place and the four liang supply of medical security.

Now the publicity date has officially come out. Every day, it is one day closer to Yaya's return to China. We all hope that this day will come as soon as possible. After all, there has been a situation before that when the contract was supposed to be returned in 2013 and renewed for another 10 years. This time, many Chinese are also worried about whether the date of return will be delayed again. We are determined to welcome Yaya home. This time, no change is allowed. Let's wait for Yaya to return home as soon as possible. The United States can speed up the process of publicity and complete various relevant procedures as soon as possible.

grasp all, lose all 2024-06-17 10:32:44

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