Home cooked Australian dragon: nutritious, delicious and simple

Happiness comes from hard work Ask on June 16, 2024-23:18:57
Recommended answer

Aolong is a kind of advanced marine organism with rich nutrients and unique taste. Here are some simple ways to make Aolong delicious:

Prepare materials:

Aolong 1

Appropriate amount of garlic

Ginger proper amount

Appropriate amount of green onion

Proper amount of salt

Moderate amount of light soy sauce

Appropriate cooking wine

Appropriate sugar

Appropriate amount of edible oil


Wash the dragon and cut it into blocks for use.

Chop garlic and ginger.

Add some edible oil into the hot pot, add garlic and ginger slices to stir fry until fragrant.

Add Australian dragon pieces and stir fry until they change color.

Add some cooking wine, soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste, and then add some water to boil.

Cover the pot and simmer for 10 minutes on low heat to allow the Aolong to fully absorb the soup.

Finally, add green onion segments and stir well.

matters needing attention:

When cooking Australian dragon, it is recommended to use medium and small fire to slow stew, so as to maintain the tender taste and nutritional value of Australian dragon.

If you like spicy taste, you can add some pepper or chili sauce during cooking.

According to personal taste, the amount of seasoning can be appropriately adjusted to achieve the taste you like.

When purchasing Aolong, pay attention to selecting fresh products to ensure the taste and nutritional value of cooking.

Happiness comes from hard work 2024-06-17 10:41:24

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