Does the company mind if the commuting time is long

The goddess who once worked as a hooligan is the most charming Ask questions at 14:14:52 on June 15, 2024
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Nowadays, working people are more concerned about the long commuting time, because the distance between their living place and the company can easily affect a person's happiness index. If you want to buy a car after a long commute, do you usually choose an oil car or an electric car? It mainly depends on the distance and whether there is a charging post at home. If charging is convenient, it will be more comfortable and cheaper to buy a tram.

Does the company mind if the commuting time is long

Specifically, whether any company cares about the long commute depends on many factors, such as company culture, employee responsibilities and work contracts. If your job requires you to appear at a specific time in the company, a long commute may cause you to fail to arrive on time, which may affect your work performance.

However, in many companies, working hours are not the only measure. The company pays more attention to employees' work performance and efficiency than how they arrange their commuting time. If you can complete tasks efficiently during working hours, long commutes will not be a problem.

Therefore, the best way is to ask your boss or HR department this question to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the company's expectations and policies.

Long commuting time, tram or gas truck

The tram will be better.

I have been talking about the cost of using cars all the time, which is a matter of substance. Recently, I found a new concept that driving electric cars has the advantage of cost. I think that if the distance between commuting and work is relatively long, and there is another traffic jam, the commuting time is still relatively long, then staying on the bus for a long time will pay more attention to comfort. For example, the interior environment of the car, according to relevant reports, The vibration noise of the whole tram is 3-6 decibels lower than that of the same fuel car, which is equivalent to halving the volume. The gap is still large. In a quiet environment, people will not be so upset when sitting in the car. In summer, you don't need to drive the air conditioner for a long time without paying too much money.

What will happen if you commute too long

One way commuting time of more than 60 minutes is a very common phenomenon, especially for cities where income and expenditure are seriously mismatched, and young people who have just entered the society can only sacrifice commuting time to reduce the cost of life! For example, some people live in Hebei and spend two or three hours a day working in Beijing. When I first entered the society, it took 90 minutes to make a one-way trip~

The impact of a long commute is nothing more than consuming too much energy on the road, facing more unknowns for too long, and a day's work will make people tired and numb over time. The loss of happiness has the greatest impact on this group! Experts say that this is not necessarily a "bad thing" for cities and enterprises, and it is simply nonsense. People who commute too long are unlikely to shop online, so they might as well use the money to buy a house close to their workplace.

The goddess who once worked as a hooligan is the most charming 2024-06-17 10:31:26

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