Tips for relieving toothache

Purple Cloud Dream Ask on June 18, 2024-23:38:52
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If you neglect to maintain your small teeth, the pain will kill you. It will make you sleep hard and restless. What a painful realization. So, what good method can effectively relieve toothache?

How to relieve toothache?

From the perspective of pathological factors, some inducements of toothache are related to dental caries to some extent. When toothache comes, it is advisable to drink more water, so that the pathogenic substances that cause dental caries in the mouth can be well removed, thus alleviating the pain at the root.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine theory, toothache is related to the rise of deficiency and excess fire in the human body. Toothache caused by deficiency fire has a long cycle, soft pain, and is accompanied by tooth looseness. Lily, rice, and lotus seeds can be boiled together to cook porridge and eaten for one week, which can have the effect of suppressing fire and relieve toothache.

In addition, the toothache caused by solid fire is characterized by shorter toothache time but more severe pain. Choosing balsam pear to mash it into mud, and mixing it with white sugar evenly, and taking it cold with water can have the effect of relieving toothache.

In addition, there are some small folk remedies that are also worth trying. Choose garlic or onion, either. Crush it into juice and drop it on the toothache area. After a few minutes, you will be surprised to find that the toothache is obviously less than before.

Secondly, you can also try to chew raw ginger slices. Bite the sliced ginger slices into the toothache area to effectively relieve toothache. If you can't accept the pungent and pungent taste of garlic, onion and ginger, then take an implicit ice compress.

Wet the towel, wrap it with ice bag or ice cube, and apply it on the cheek of the toothache area for 20 minutes each time. The frequency can be determined according to the pain relief effect.

How to maintain gum health and prevent toothache?

Toothache can't wait to roll on your back and pull out your teeth right away. At present, toothache has become a common and high incidence oral disease problem. There are many reasons for toothache, but it can be effectively prevented by taking care of your gums and your mouth every day.

First of all, avoid eating too cold, too hard, too hot, and too sour foods in your daily diet to avoid the irritation to your teeth. In addition, we should develop the good habit of brushing our teeth correctly in the morning and evening, and gargling in time after meals, so as not to give "opportunities" for bacteria to grow in the mouth.

If tooth decay is found, do not take it for granted, and treat it in time to avoid serious gum disease.

In addition, it is better to change the toothpaste that people use to brush their teeth every day on a regular basis, instead of using the same brand of toothpaste for a long time.

Finally, it is also necessary to carry out regular oral examination for yourself, so as to find out the hidden problems of teeth and oral cavity in time, and take corresponding treatment methods to prevent them!

Purple Cloud Dream 2024-06-20 11:21:12

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