How to initiate group collection on WeChat How to initiate group collection on WeChat

Half trip Ask questions on 2024-06-16 00:34:13
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As a social software, WeChat supports chat, video, voice and transfer. But when some users use WeChat applications, they want to ask how WeChat can initiate group collection? The following section briefly introduces how to initiate WeChat group collection based on user needs?

1. Unlock the phone, find the WeChat application on the phone desktop, open it, and click the plus icon in the upper right corner.

2. After clicking Finish, a dialog box will pop up. At this time, there will be collection and payment options. Click directly.

3. On the collection/payment page, click Group Collection Options.

4. On the net collection page, click to select the chat option.

5. On the chat page, click the WeChat group to collect money.

6. After the corresponding amount is entered directly, the collection option can be initiated.

Half trip 2024-06-17 10:41:21

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