Teach you the specific steps of associating WeChat in Bullet SMS APP.

Old Lane Old Man Ask questions at 21:30:30 on June 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Boys and girls, do you know how to link WeChat in Bullet SMS APP? Today, I would like to share with you the specific steps of linking WeChat in Bullet SMS APP. If you are interested, please come to learn about it.

Specific steps of associating WeChat in Bullet SMS APP

1. At present, if you want to associate bullet SMS with your WeChat account, you should first enter the personal center through the button in the lower right corner and set it through the "Account and Security" function.

2. After entering the account and security page, you can see the WeChat related functions below, which can be opened through the button on the right.

3. If you are connected to a third-party social account, you can easily add WeChat friends to bullet messages, so that you can better use bullet messages.

Old Lane Old Man 2024-06-17 10:47:30

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