I will teach you the specific operation steps for Huawei to enjoy 7s hidden applications.

Raise a fire and burn the sky Ask on 2024-06-13 08:15:46
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How does Huawei Changxiang 7s hide applications? Next, let's take a look at the specific operation steps of Huawei Enjoying 7s Hidden Application.

Specific operation steps for Huawei to enjoy 7s hidden applications

1. Click to open [Setting].

2. Click to enter [Security and Privacy].

3. Click to open [Private Space].

4. Click [Open] to open the privacy space, set the privacy space according to the screen prompts, and then install the applications to be hidden into the privacy space.

The above is the specific operation steps of Huawei Changxiang 7s hidden application. Do you understand?

Raise a fire and burn the sky 2024-06-17 10:47:55

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