Introduction to the entrance of the 2019 Taobao Fish Activity Interface

Be calm Ask questions on June 13, 2024-23:32:00
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Where is the entrance of Taobao Fish Activity Interface? Taobao has opened the activity of blessing fish at present, and kids can participate in the activity after entering the home page. I believe many kids can't find the specific entrance of the activity, right? The following is the location of the small editor's share. Let's pay attention!

Taobao Fish Activity Interface Entrance:

1. Open Taobao, enter the home page, click the [Open Grand Prize] sign next to the search box:

2. Click to directly enter the activity interface of Happy New Year and Happy Fish, and then click the button with the word [Unlock] below the activity banner:

In order to complete the unlocking task, the netizens need to cheer up, because it is less than 6 hours before the lottery opening~

Taobao Happy New Year Lucky Fish Lucky Way:

(1) Shopping for New Year goods

Go shopping for New Year's products on the activity homepage, and every time you visit 5 New Year's products, you have a chance to get 500000 to 110000 points of happiness;

(2) Shop

Visit stores on the activity homepage, and every time you visit a store, you will have a chance to get 200000 to 600000 points of happiness;

(3) Sharing activities

Every time one person is pulled back, there is a chance to get 500000 to 110000 points of blessing;

(4) Watch the video of the venue

Every time you have the opportunity to obtain 500000 to 110000 points of blessing;

(5) Go to the question answering red envelope contest to interact

(6) Go to get together to catch Nian Beast

Every time you have a chance to get 200000 to 600000 points of blessing;

(7) Go to Tmall Farm to interact

(8) Go shopping for interaction

Every time you have a chance to get 50000 to 35000 points of blessing;

(9) Go to sign up for the daily red envelope contest

Every time you have a chance to get 50000 to 35000 points of blessing;

Be calm 2024-06-17 10:49:19

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