What is the impact of rain on agriculture?

Stars and moons follow Ask questions at 01:15:55, June 15, 2024
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For growing crops, awn seed rain can provide sufficient water and nutrients, which is conducive to the growth and development of crops. Rainfall can also clean the dust and dirt on farmland and crops, avoiding the occurrence of diseases. If the rainfall is excessive, the awn seed rain will also have a negative impact on agriculture. Excessive rainwater is easy to cause diseases such as flooding and waterlogging, which will cause damage to crops. It is also easy to cause mountain torrents and mud rock flows, which will bring great disasters to the countryside. Grain in Ear is one of the 24 solar terms in China, which usually occurs between June 6 and 10 every year. This solar term marks the beginning of the summer growing season for crops and the beginning of humid and hot weather. In southern China, the awn planting season is usually accompanied by a large amount of rainfall, which has a profound impact on agricultural production.

The rain of awn seed will affect the wheat harvest. If the wheat cannot be harvested, threshed and stored in time in continuous rainy weather, it may lead to losses, and may also lead to diseases and insect pests of wheat, which will reduce the yield. It also has an impact on the growth of crops planted in summer, such as summer corn, summer soybeans, etc. The growth period is relatively short, so it is necessary to sow and transplant as soon as possible to ensure harvest. However, if continuous rain or wind, hail and other weather are encountered after the awn seed solar term, the crop growth will be adversely affected, which may lead to planting failure.

Rain in awn seeds will also increase the difficulty of growing cotton, spring corn and other crops. These crops enter the peak of water and fertilizer demand and growth after the awn seed solar term. They need to carry out fertilizer and water supplement, weed control, disease and insect control and other work to ensure yield. However, if there is too much rainfall, the crops may be flooded or diseased, affecting the yield.

In the face of these problems, farmers need to take a series of measures to deal with the impact of awn seed rain. For example, timely harvesting of wheat, strengthening pest control, selecting varieties with strong wind and hail resistance, etc. Relevant departments should also strengthen monitoring and early warning, provide relevant information and services in a timely manner, and help farmers cope with the risk of natural disasters.

Stars and moons follow 2024-06-17 10:36:17

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