Can it be replaced by no one following the entry physical examination

Warm bosom before dawn Ask on 2024-06-15 02:54:01
Recommended answer

The induction physical examination is a health assessment of a person, which cannot be replaced by others. It needs to be responsible for their own health, and also respect and trust the company. The induction physical examination is not a big deal. Just calm down, check according to the instructions and wait for the results.

Can it be replaced by no one following the entry physical examination

In general, professional medical personnel are required to assist in the physical examination of induction to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the examination results. If there is no professional medical staff nearby, there may be missed inspection, misdiagnosis, etc., which will bring risks to personal health and enterprise employment safety. Therefore, it is better to have professional medical personnel nearby for inspection. If this cannot be done due to special circumstances, we can communicate and negotiate with the recruiter or medical institution to find a suitable solution.

Is it against the law to find someone to replace you in the entry physical examination

In some specific cases, it may violate relevant laws and regulations to ask others to take the place of entry physical examination. The specific situation needs to be judged according to local laws and regulations and the company's regulations. Generally speaking, the physical examination is to ensure the physical health of employees and the company's work safety. If the physical examination is replaced, it may bring potential risks and consequences to both parties. It is suggested to complete the entry physical examination according to the company's requirements and procedures to avoid unnecessary troubles.

Will it be found that someone can replace you in the entry physical examination

If the examination of the medical examination institution is strict, it is very dangerous to carry out the medical examination on behalf of others, which is easy to be found. The entry physical examination usually involves multiple examinations such as physical examination and laboratory test. If the examination is carried out on behalf of others, it is easy to cause doubt because the examination results do not conform to the actual situation. Once found, it may lead to the loss of job opportunities and may have a negative impact on personal credit records. Therefore, it is suggested that when conducting induction physical examination, the employee should conduct the examination honestly and not replace others.

Warm bosom before dawn 2024-06-17 10:32:15

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