What kind of beans are used for pea yolk? Does pea yolk use dried or fresh peas

Chasing the wind on rainy nights Ask questions on 2024-06-16 22:46:04
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Pea bean curd is a traditional Chinese snack made of flour, glutinous rice flour, pea paste and other ingredients. Its main raw material is pea mud, which can be processed with dry or fresh peas. There may be some differences in different regions and production methods.

What beans are used for pea yolk

The dry white peas should be used to make yellow peas. If you use fresh green peas, you should also select mature old peas, otherwise it is not possible. Because it is necessary to remove the skin of the peas (not the pod skin) to make pea yolk. If the beans are tender, it is not only difficult to remove the skin, but also there is no bean paste.

Dried or fresh peas for pea yolk

To make pea yolk, you must use dried peas to make it after soaking. In this way, the pea yolk produced will be more soft and full of flavor. Fresh peas are a symbol of spring, and fresh peas have high moisture content, which is more suitable for cooking and frying.

Is Pea Yellow Green Bean Cake

Pea cake is a little similar to mung bean cake, but it tastes much fresher than mung bean cake. The materials are very simple. Only peas, sugar and water are needed. With the simplest materials and techniques, this traditional food is not ordinary, sweet and not greasy. It is particularly appetizing. After being put into the refrigerator, it is cold and refreshing, and it is a delicious summer snack.

What's the meaning of yellow pea

The third day of the third month of the lunar calendar is Shangsi Festival. It is customary to eat pea yolks in old Beijing. What's the saying about eating pea yolks on the third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. In fact, this is related to a legend. It is said that when the Queen Mother held a peach banquet, snacks from all over the world began to appear on the market. Since then, the custom of eating pea yolks on March 3 has been passed down. Pea yellow is soft, glutinous and sweet. It melts immediately after being put into the mouth. The production process is complex. You need to select the best white peas, break them into pieces and peel them, then use cold water for three times, boil them into a paste, and then stir fry them. When they are stir fried, they need to be carefully controlled. After they are stir fried, they need to go through a series of procedures to become the pea yellow that people eat. Such a sophisticated process will make this pastry popular today.

Chasing the wind on rainy nights 2024-06-17 10:35:58

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