How to recuperate acne on forehead

Ancient Confucianism Ask questions on 2024-06-17 18:01:24
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Because of the strong secretion of sebum on people's forehead, if not cleaned thoroughly, it is easy to block pores, thus causing acne problems. Especially for oily skin and friends who have been facing the computer for a long time, acne on their forehead will become more serious. So what is the way to recuperate the acne on the forehead?

1: Never cover your forehead with bangs

1: The acne on the forehead is harmful to the image. The best way is to cover it with bangs, which is wrong. The consequence of choosing this method is to make the acne on the forehead grow longer and more. Because the hair is easy to absorb dust bacteria, causing skin irritation and aggravating the acne situation, do not leave bangs when the acne grows on the forehead!

2: Wash your face with warm water in the morning and evening

1: For MM with oily skin, their skin is always covered with grease for a long time, so they always wash their faces, thinking that this will keep their skin fresh. In fact, this will make their skin more greasy, which will lead to acne. In fact, you can wash your face once in the morning and once in the evening. When washing your face, you can use warm water to clean the pore dirt.

3: Pure Tea Tree Essential Oil Spot Smear Acne

Tea tree essential oil is very effective in eliminating acne. Stick pure tea tree essential oil with cotton stick every day and apply it on acne to effectively and quickly eliminate acne.

4: Wipe your face with vinegar and salt water mixture

1: Add vinegar and salt to the water in the ratio of water: white vinegar: salt=9:3:1. After mixing, wet the towel to wipe the face, especially the forehead. Once in the morning and once in the evening, you can quickly eliminate acne on the forehead! It can also whiten the skin!

5: Prescription for removing acne on forehead

Break a fresh egg into a mask bowl, add a spoonful of honey, mix the two evenly, brush the mask on the face with a mask brush, and then massage the face with your fingers. After natural air drying, wash it with clean water once a week, which can have a good acne removing effect and moisturize the skin to complete basic skin care.

Honey honey is the most ideal skin care product for beauty and anti-aging. It can provide many nutrients to the skin and promote the regeneration of epithelial tissue. Add a spoonful of honey into a spoonful of grape juice, add flour, stir it evenly, and then apply it on the face, which can effectively kill or inhibit bacteria on the surface of the skin, thus having the effect of acne elimination.

6: Computer radiation will cause forehead

Acne, so we should control the time of using the computer, avoid facing the computer for a long time, and apply some non greasy isolation cream before using the computer.

Ancient Confucianism 2024-06-20 11:14:18

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