What to eat in spring? These foods protect yang and nourish liver

Let go of yourself Ask questions on 2024-06-19 01:45:53
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The diet in spring should consider the birth of yang in spring, and it is suitable to eat sweet and fragrant products. Vegetables with a sweet and fragrant nature include rape, coriander, leek, onion, mustard, white radish, chrysanthemum, turnip, fennel, cabbage, celery, spinach, fennel, day lily, bracken, lettuce, water bamboo shoots, cucumber, winter melon, pumpkin, loofah, eggplant, etc.

Suitable seasoning foods include ginger, onion, garlic, pepper, lobster sauce, coriander, etc. Eat more sweet sweet food, such as jujube, lily, water chestnut, pear, longan, tremella, etc. What's the most healthy thing to eat after the beginning of spring? Here are 11 kinds of food.

Spring bamboo shoots

When it comes to eating spring, I have to mention the bamboo shoots. The spring bamboo shoots are crisp, tender and delicious, and can be chewed out with fragrance and sweetness. They are known as "the first vegetarian food". Eating bamboo shoots has the effects of nourishing yin, benefiting blood, resolving phlegm, digesting food, facilitating defecation, and improving eyesight, and has a very good auxiliary role in preventing and treating hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, intestinal cancer, and hemorrhoids.

Bean sprout

Spring buds are eaten in spring. In spring, all plants produce fresh green buds. There are many edible spring buds, such as Chinese toon, bean sprouts, garlic sprouts, bean sprouts, lettuce, etc. The bean sprouts have the function of dispersing. Eating them can not only benefit moisture, but also help people


In many places, the beginning of spring is also called "bite spring". The most representative food in the north is radish. Eating radish can be divided into eating, slicing, shredding, stuffing and other forms. Eating turnips can not only solve spring difficulties, but also enhance women's reproductive function. The spring turnips are also called "descendants turnips". Northerners love raw radishes, especially Xinlimei and small red radishes.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "more sweet and less sour" is the dietary principle in spring, and among sweet food, jujube is the best food. Jujube is warm in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effect of invigorating the spleen and qi, nourishing blood and calming the nerves. It can be used to improve the symptoms of spleen deficiency, lack of food, fatigue, loose stools, insufficient qi, blood and body fluid, and women's irritability. It is recommended to split the jujube before making tea or boiling it.

Shepherd's purse

Among the wild vegetables in spring, shepherd's purse is definitely a shining star. In early spring, the young seedlings of shepherd's purse are used as wild vegetables, which is fragrant and delicious. The nutritional value of shepherd's purse is also very high, especially the content of vitamin C, carotenoids and various minerals. According to traditional medicine, shepherd's purse can also help treat dysentery, enteritis and colds.

The body generates yang qi. It is also unnecessary to add meat when eating bean sprouts at the beginning of spring to avoid aggravating the gastrointestinal burden.


Sweet honey water is called "the first water in spring". According to traditional Chinese medicine, honey tastes sweet and enters the two channels of the spleen and stomach, which can nourish the middle and replenish qi, moisten the intestines and relieve constipation. Because honey contains a variety of minerals, vitamins, as well as the function of moistening the lungs and detoxifying, it can enhance human immunity and is the most ideal tonic in spring. Therefore, in spring, if you can drink 1~2 spoons of honey every day, take it with a cup of warm water or add milk, it will nourish your body.


Chives, also known as "Yangcao", are warm in nature and have the effect of tonifying the kidney and yang. The climate is different in spring. It is suggested that people may as well eat more spring leeks in spring to dispel yin and cold. In addition, the liver qi of the human body is too strong in spring, which affects the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach. Eating more spring leeks can enhance the qi of the spleen and stomach, which is beneficial to liver function.


Among many vegetables, spinach is suitable for nourishing the liver. Spinach is a seasonal vegetable in spring, which can nourish yin, moisten dryness, soothe liver and nourish blood. It is very common, so it is ordinary. Spinach is just a "common dish". There are many ways to eat spinach as a common food, and porridge is an ordinary way. In spring, spinach can be used to cook porridge for health preservation.


It is said that "spring sleeps, autumn sleeps, and summer sleeps". Now it is the time of spring sleepiness. Fortunately, a large number of red cherries have come into the market. The sour and sweet taste and rich nutrients are just like a good medicine to refresh the mind and relieve spring fatigue.

Scallion, ginger and garlic

Spring is characterized by windy, cold and humid climate, so you should eat some spicy and warm food in your diet. Chinese medicine recommends eating a little onion, ginger and garlic properly. They are not only good seasonings, but also have important medicinal value. They can improve appetite, help Yang, and also have the effect of sterilization and disease prevention. In spring, onions and garlic are the most nutritious, tender, fragrant and best to eat in a year. Eating them at this time can prevent the most common respiratory infection in spring.


"Spring is the way to keep healthy." The focus of "eating spring" is not only "eating", but also "drinking". The first tea in spring is also a flower and a tea -- it is a familiar rose. Rose tea cools blood, nourishes skin, and has the effect of improving skin dryness. Because of its strong fragrance, it is also used to treat bad breath. Rose tea can also help digestion and eliminate fat, so it can lose weight and has the best effect after meals.

Remind us to eat less spicy food, fried food and barbecue food after the beginning of spring. Different from winter, you should eat less spicy hot pot, mutton and dog meat after the beginning of spring, because these foods may lose yang and lead to fire.

Let go of yourself 2024-06-20 11:20:25

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