What is the business of China Mobile 12580 (what is a 12580 phone)

Happy Home Ask on 2024-06-15 06:07:08
Recommended answer

12580 is a comprehensive information service platform provided by China Mobile, which provides a variety of convenient queries for individual customers, as well as various booking services. In all parts of the country, you can call 12580 to query. The query results are mainly combined with SMS and voice. To effectively provide a series of services such as query transfer, priority recommendation, and life broadcast for business customers.

12580 Huisheng Business Features

We will recommend more than 5000 hotels to you, which will be rich in information. There are also many user reviews, panoramic photos, traffic guides, and introductions to surrounding entertainment attractions. It can be sent to the user's mobile phone in the form of MMS, so that each user can get professional information when going out. It will have numerous central call centers, which can effectively provide 7 to 24 hours of standard services, and has the characteristics of all-weather, providing high-quality services for everyone.

What kind of information can 12580 bring?

You can query the train time information all over the country, as well as the bus route information. Daily life information can be queried, including pet hospital, cake room, discount information, home appliance maintenance, car rental, and cinema. Provide business travel booking service. After calling 12580, you can inquire about hotel and air ticket information or make reservations. You can also check the discount price of domestic air tickets, the normal price, the city of departure, the city of arrival, the time of departure, the time of arrival, including the policy of signing, changing and returning.

Commitment of 12580

Give the promise of low price. If you stay at the lowest preferential price given by the front row of the hotel, you only need to provide the corresponding invoice. After verifying the corresponding situation, you will have the opportunity to get double the points. The guarantee of owning a house, once the order is confirmed, you can enter the hotel at the latest time you agreed. If the room is not arranged, you can give corresponding compensation. When charging, only the standard call fee will be charged, and no information fee will be charged. In terms of tariff, it is relatively easy to show new skills.

Happy Home 2024-06-17 10:36:14

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