How about collecting the car on February 14, 2023

Dream Love Night Star Ask questions on 2024-06-15 14:28:22
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Many people are curious about whether the car will be collected on February 14, 2023. After all, buying a car has become an imperative in the current fast-paced life. Now that it's time to buy a car, we must have a Geely day to collect the car. Let's see if Geely will buy a car on February 14, 2023.

How about collecting the car on February 14, 2023

In the development of people's life, houses and cars are essential, because they can provide people with a more comfortable life and make people feel happier. However, after buying a car, the most important step is to pick up the car. The lucky day of picking up the car is indispensable, which can protect people's safety and also can bless people's smooth travel. As far as the Yellow Calendar is concerned, you can pick up the car on February 14.

Will Geely buy a car on February 14, 2023

According to the almanac, February 14, 2023 is not a good day to buy a car.

The children of migrant workers are soaring rapidly, which also makes it more difficult to buy tickets for returning home on holidays every year. Everyone is eager to go home. Some people choose to pick up a car for themselves in order to make it more convenient and less troublesome to go home. A car picking ceremony will be held when picking up the car. Of course, the celebration ceremony will not be without auspicious days. According to the yellow calendar, February 14, 2023 is not a good day for buying a car.

What should I pay attention to when collecting the car

1. First of all, we need to walk around the car body to see if there is any obvious bruise. You may have seen the car during transportation, so it will be exposed on the highway or at sea, and it will inevitably be stained with some dirty things;

2. Many new cars will be stained with the body of many flying insects on the front and side of the car. These parts need to be carefully checked to make sure that there is no scratch or stain. If there is no problem with these parts, then check the adhesion of the anti-collision strip, whether the installation is smooth, and whether the mudguard is not firmly installed;

3. Then squat down and let your eyes and the inspection surface be on the same parallel plane to see if there are any small pits. Open the door and use the light to push back and forth to see if his sheet metal is flat.

Dream Love Night Star 2024-06-17 10:31:30

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