What's the meaning of Xiaoman? What's the meaning of Xiaoman solar term

Ancient Confucianism Ask questions on 2024-06-13 03:40:46
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Small and full mainly refers to the time when people are small and full, and there is still much room for growth in the future. There will be many corresponding solar terms in the 24 solar terms. For example, Xiaoshu faces severe heat, Xiaohan faces severe cold, and Xiaoxue faces heavy snow. However, when we are full of effort, we do not call it "big full", but "small full".

The flowers are not in full bloom

In the eyes of Chinese people, it has always been a taboo to say that the moon is full and the water is overflowing. The flowers are not in full bloom, and the moon is not in full circle. This is why we have this statement, so that we can understand that in this world, all things can not escape the truth of prosperity and decline.

Customs and characteristics of Xiao Man

When the Little Full Festival comes, it is the busiest time in the busy farming season. There are many places where there will be some folk activities of offering sacrifices to car gods. It is said that Xiaoman was the birthday of Silkworm God. During the farming period, people would pay more attention to Silkworm babies and think it was a gift from heaven. Therefore, corresponding festivals will be held every April. The practice of circling three spirits is still very popular in Dali, Yunnan and other places. It is basically on April 23 of the lunar calendar every year, which is also known as a good day for the Bai people. In the Yellow River basin, it is usually around April, when we are busy harvesting wheat. The sorghum has just grown, so we need to remove weeds as soon as possible. The Xiaoman solar term is the busiest time.

What are the characteristics of Xiaoman

There are three main characteristics. Life is generally bitter before sweet. The first is to eat bitter vegetables first, the second is that some grass has died, and the third is that wheat has entered the mature stage. This also makes us understand that wheat is a very important solar term, which brings us full hope. Whether it is rain in the south or wheat grouting in the north, it can express the joy of harvest. I believe that Xiaoman's day is also our hope for harvest. In the future, we will see full expectations. Therefore, farmer friends pay more attention to Xiaoman, hoping to feel more from it.

Ancient Confucianism 2024-06-17 10:41:24

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