2023 Leap February Tomb Sweeping Day Can't Go Green

Safe and happy life Ask questions on 2024-06-13 06:52:14
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Whether the Tomb Sweeping Day in February 2023 can't be hung up is the most frequently asked question. After all, Tomb Sweeping Day is one of the traditional festivals, so many friends go home to pay homage to their ancestors during this holiday. Since many places have the saying of hanging up green when they pay homage to their ancestors, this topic has become the focus. Let's take a look at it together.

2023 Leap February Tomb Sweeping Day Can't Go Green

It depends on the place, but most areas are not good.

Many friends asked whether the Qingming Festival in Leap February could not be marked as "Qing Dynasty". As far as the current situation is concerned, most regions believe that Leap February is not suitable for "Qing Dynasty". If it is marked as "Qing Dynasty" before the Qingming Festival, it will not be good for the old ancestors and their families. It is better to go back to their hometown in advance to respect their ancestors. Leap February Tomb Sweeping Day is usually regarded as March Tomb Sweeping Day.

How about going green on Tomb Sweeping Day in February

Many friends asked whether it was good to go to Qingming in leap February. After all, this year there was a leap month due to special circumstances. According to the calendar, we can also see that this year's leap February. If we calculate according to the normal time, it is February in the lunar calendar, and a few days later it will be March in the lunar calendar. But don't worry. After the lunar February this year, there will be another lunar February, called leap February for short. Leap February occurs from March 22 to April 19 of the Gregorian calendar 2023, while this year's Tomb sweeping Day is April 5, which coincides with the leap February 15 of the Guimao year. Therefore, this Qingming Festival falls in February.

What's the taboo and statement about hanging the Qingming Festival

According to the inheritance passed down from the ancestors, the tomb sweeping ceremony was held after the Spring Equinox and ended at 12 noon on the day of the Tomb Sweeping Day, because this time belongs to the Tomb Sweeping Festival. You can go back "three days before and four days after" by hanging the tomb. But this year, you can only go back three days earlier. Because this Tomb Sweeping Day is in leap February, you can't postpone it.

Safe and happy life 2024-06-17 10:33:22

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