What kind of tea has better laxative effect

To succeed, you must be strong Ask questions on 2024-06-19 12:09:41
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It is believed that many people are also confused about what kind of tea can relieve constipation. In today's fast developing society, the fast-paced life has left many people breathless. The pressure of life is huge, the pressure of work is even greater, and the pressure of social competition is also great. Therefore, many people are getting worse because of the pressure of work and life, It is also a common problem that leads to endocrine disorder. So today we will introduce tea that can relieve constipation.

1. Tea: put proper amount of tea into small cloth bags. Put the tea cup into the water, and then add some honey. Drinking this tea can quench thirst, nourish blood, moisten lung and benefit kidney, and cure constipation, disharmony between spleen and stomach, pharyngitis, etc.

2. Flower: It can cure habitual constipation. Make tea with honeysuckle and rhubarb according to the dosage of 3:1, and flavor it with proper amount of honey. It has the effect of clearing heat and purging water, moistening intestines and catharsis, and slimming the abdomen.

3. It tastes bitter and has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, removing grease and defecating. The specific method of cinnamon apple tea Hawthorn tea: appropriate amount of hawthorn, mash, add water and boil to one cup, then add appropriate amount of tea, drink for a long time, it has the effect of reducing fat and weight, and has certain effect on hypertension, coronary heart disease and obesity.

Honey tea: put some tea into a small cloth bag. Put the tea cup into the water, and then add some honey. Drinking this tea can quench thirst, nourish blood, moisten lung and benefit kidney, and cure constipation, disharmony between spleen and stomach, pharyngitis, etc.

Carnation: It can improve blood circulation, promote metabolism, eliminate toxins in the body, and regulate female endocrine. It has a fragrant taste and can help dispel upset and irritability.

Honeysuckle: It can cure habitual constipation. Make tea with honeysuckle and rhubarb according to the dosage of 3:1, and flavor it with proper amount of honey. It has the effect of clearing heat and purging water, moistening intestines and catharsis, and slimming the abdomen.

Kuding: It tastes bitter and has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, removing grease and defecating.

Verbena: It has the function of strengthening liver metabolism, relaxing nerves, helping digestion and improving abdominal qi, and can cure migraine and slim down. It is forbidden for pregnant women to use it.

Purple rose: help metabolism, detoxify and defecate, slim body, regulate endocrine.

Luoshen flower: It can detoxify, diuresis, remove edema, and promote bile secretion to decompose excess fat in the body. Researchers also found that 95% of patients lost 1 to 3 kg of weight when drinking rose tea. The taste is sour, and the color of the tea is red, very beautiful. It is good for cold and hot drinking.

Lily: It can clear the intestines and stomach, detoxify, and treat constipation. It is better to soak with rose and lemon verbena

Jasmin: Jasmin has a refreshing effect, which can calm mood and relieve depression. People with respiratory diseases such as weak stomach and chronic bronchitis should drink more. It is also helpful for constipation, abdominal pain and headache. It can improve drowsiness and anxiety. It is also effective for chronic stomach disease and monthly maladjustment. The combination of jasmine and pink rose can reduce weight.

To succeed, you must be strong 2024-06-20 11:23:40

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