Small Editor Sharing Glory v20 Restore to Factory Settings

Womanly flower Ask questions on 2024-06-16 11:09:27
Recommended answer

There are some problems with the Glory v20 phone. Do you know how to restore it to the factory settings? Today again brings the specific operation steps of Glory v20 returning to factory settings.

Step 1: click [Settings] on the desktop of Glory v20 mobile phone to enter the setting menu.

Step 2: In the setting menu, click System.

Step 3: click to open Reset.

Step 4: Click to enter [Restore Factory Settings].

Step 5: Click [Reset Phone] at the bottom of the screen to restore factory settings.

According to the specific operation steps for restoring Glory v20 to factory settings described above, have you all learned!

Womanly flower 2024-06-17 10:49:32

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