Do you know the gold standard of bedroom

I must be taller than the sky Ask on 2024-06-18 02:30:16
Recommended answer

If we now sleep 8 hours a day, we will spend 1/3 of our life in the bedroom. The quality of the bedroom layout will directly affect everyone's health. So do you want a healthy life? Now let me teach you how to build a healthy and warm bedroom to help you live a healthy and happy life.

Ten gold standards for healthy bedrooms

Wall painted blue

A professional organization has investigated that color has a significant impact on the length of sleep. In the purple, gray and gold bedroom, the average sleep time of the owner every night is less than 7 hours on average; In the silver, green and yellow bedroom, it can last more than seven and a half hours; And in the blue room, sleep can reach 7 hours and 52 minutes, so blue is called the most favorable color for sleep.

The objects are placed in pairs

Jimmy Ballet, an American interior decoration expert, said that the bedside table, desk lamp, hanging picture and other objects in the bedroom should be in pairs, which can add a sense of harmony to the bedroom and help the owner improve sleep quality through psychological hints. It is easy to be upset if it is messy. It is suggested to prepare a basket or box that you like at home, store the odds and ends in it, and cover it properly. The position of the bed is also very important. It is better to lean against the wall on one side.

Choose solid wood furniture

Luo Xin, executive deputy director of the National Furniture and Indoor Environment Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, said that the less furniture in the bedroom, the better. The more furniture is placed, the more harmful substances are released.

If conditions permit, it is better to buy solid wood furniture, because it does not use glue, which is a "big polluter", so it is more environmentally friendly.

The bed is not too hard. The quilt should be light

As we all know, vertebral diseases caused by improper pillows and mattresses are very common. It is suggested that the mattress should be moderately soft and hard. Hard board beds and beds that are too soft are actually not good.

It is suggested that the height of the pillow should be controlled at the height of a fist between the pillow and the bed surface. The quilt is too heavy to breathe.

Equipped with a bedside lamp

The US Prevention magazine once pointed out that bedroom lighting will lead to changes in the melatonin secreted by the human body, thus affecting your sleep quality.

Therefore, after turning off the ceiling lamp before going to bed, use the bedside lamp with lower wattage to create a dark environment and help us enter the sleep mode. It is recommended to install as few mirrors, glass and other accessories on the wall as possible.

Less swinging and large appliances

Many people think it is very comfortable to watch TV in bed, but this practice is not healthy. The professor of the Indoor Environment Monitoring Committee of the China Interior Decoration Association said that it is better to put less or no electrical appliances in the bedroom, especially those that emit electromagnetic waves such as televisions and computers, which will affect sleep and husband and wife life. Electrical appliances are still dusty and should be cleaned frequently.

Hang double curtains

Shi Ming, deputy director of Shanghai Medical Cooperation Center for Insomnia of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that it is recommended that everyone choose double curtains to create a quiet and dark sleeping environment.

In particular, the bedroom facing south can choose day and night curtains because of sufficient light. This kind of curtain is composed of two curtains of different materials, one with good light transmission performance and the other with good light shielding performance, which can be replaced according to needs.

Pay attention to ventilation and purified air

We should pay attention to frequent ventilation as the most effective way to reduce indoor air pollution according to outdoor weather conditions. In addition, it is also important to choose an air purifier. If it is a newly decorated house, it is recommended to use a formaldehyde purifier.

In case of odor removal, it is better to select activated carbon purifier. To prevent and control pM2.5, you can choose to buy an air purification device with high-efficiency filter, but the price is relatively high.

It is worth reminding that the air purifier should be placed in the middle of the house, far away from the human body.

Don't put large pots of green plants

Many people think that putting a pot of plants in the bedroom can absorb pollutants in the air, but the effect is very limited.

Due to photosynthesis, green plants absorb carbon dioxide during the day, but at night, they will compete with people for oxygen and release carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

It is better not to enlarge the pot plants in the bedroom. If they are put, they should also be moved out at night, so as not to cause dizziness, breathing difficulties and other problems due to insufficient oxygen supply.

It is better to choose smaller plants such as green apples and hanging orchids, and not more than two or three pots.

Regular cleaning

The US "Really Simple" website published an article recommending the schedule of bedroom cleaning: shake the quilt, make the bed and clean the bedside table every day after getting up.

Clean the dust on the lamp every week, change the bed sheet, and wipe the furniture and floor; Make sure to clean the window and turn over the mattress once a quarter.

Conclusion: The bedroom is a place where we must stay every day, and it is a place where we stay for a long time, so the health of the bedroom is a problem that everyone needs to pay attention to. Interested friends should check whether their bedroom is a comfortable and healthy environment.

I must be taller than the sky 2024-06-20 11:20:35

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