Children's disaster safety: Dashan has become "powerful"

I want stability Ask questions on 2024-06-16 18:59:29
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1. Safety knowledge

Debris flow is terrible. It can devour houses and people in an instant, which is very dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary for students to learn some knowledge about how to prevent debris flow in the wild, and master self rescue measures after debris flow.

Debris flow

1. When students go to the field to play, they must understand the weather conditions and master the disaster forecast.

Debris flow

2. Students must not walk in the valley when traveling outdoors on rainy days or after rain.

Debris flow

3. Once you hear a loud and ceaseless noise above the mountain or see a debris flow, you should immediately run to the hillside perpendicular to the flow direction of the debris flow, and the faster you run, the better, and the higher you climb, the safer you will be.

Debris flow

4. If the debris flow is so fierce that it is too late to escape, hold the nearby trees tightly on the spot.

Debris flow

2. Skillful identification of safety signs

When climbing in the wild, students should not only prevent debris flow, but also recognize these warning signs.

No Picking, No Climbing

3. Safety knowledge examination room

According to the knowledge we learned today, let's take a self test to see how well we have mastered it!

1. What kind of weather should we try to choose when we go on a field trip?

A. Sunny weather

B. Heavy fog weather.

C. Rainy days or after rain

2. How should we walk when traveling outdoors?

A. Take the original and safe road

B. Walking in the Valley

C. Create your own path.

3. Do you know which of the following statements is wrong?

A. If you encounter debris flow, you should run down the mountain in time along the flow direction of debris flow.

B. If you encounter debris flow, you should run to the hillside perpendicular to the flow direction of debris flow in time.

C. If you can't escape when encountering debris flow, you should immediately hold the trees nearby tightly.

I want stability 2024-06-17 10:36:35

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