Health care knowledge These signals indicate that you may have cancer

Old Gun Ask questions on 2024-06-18 00:59:43
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All cancers are not achieved overnight, but are caused slowly through long-term accumulation. In the process, it will also give people some warnings. If you have these signals, you should be careful. You should be alert to whether you have lung cancer.

These signals suggest that you should be alert to lung cancer. You may no longer be suitable for smoking!

It is reported that a young man only 29 years old has advanced lung cancer, brain metastasis, liver metastasis, pleural effusion and pericardial effusion. Such a young man, with healthy parents and no cancer history in his family, how did his cancer happen?

The young man was born in rural Henan Province. He dropped out of school at the age of 15 and went home. He entered the society and developed the bad habit of smoking. He has smoked for nearly 15 years, one or two packs a day.

For more than ten years, I have worked in coal mines for five consecutive years as a coal digger, a painter for one year, a painter for three years in a wood factory, and later a plastic crushing job.

About two years ago, the young man saved some money and completed the wedding. Less than a year after marriage, he was diagnosed with lung cancer after repeated coughing and chest pain. Now, the condition has progressed and worsened, leading to high edema of both lower limbs, dizziness, and unstable walking. The condition is in danger.

A young man without any genetic background got lung cancer at the age of 29. Although we can't find the exact cause, we speculate that it has something to do with his smoking and occupational environment. The young man's lung cancer is not inherited from "natural disasters". Instead, he began to smoke a lot at a young age. In addition, the poor working environment has led to the malignant transformation of cells. Such a painful lesson deserves everyone's vigilance.

If the following physical phenomena occur, please pay attention!

1. Pain in back shoulder and arm

Many people feel that their back shoulder and arm pain is caused by periarthritis of shoulder, and treat it as a disease. In fact, lung cancer may also transfer bacterial toxins to these parts.

2. Cough

Cough often appears in daily life, which is also something that many people tend to ignore. Not only does a cold make their throat uncomfortable, but cancerous cells caused by lung cancer occur in the respiratory tract, and cough symptoms also occur.

In addition, it is one of the manifestations of lung cancer that one's own lung has an irritant feeling or a new symptom of cough. So next time you cough, don't just take medicine as a minor illness, especially for smokers!

3. Shortness of breath

Rapid breathing is also one of the symptoms of lung cancer. This is often caused by your own anemia or pulmonary hydrops. Your own blood vessels are blocked, and tumors will also occur. In this way, your breathing will become more impeded.

4. Extreme thin

When your weight slowly starts to drop, and even if you eat on time, there is no improvement, this situation is very serious. Although this is one of the symptoms of lung cancer, it is also uncertain that there will be other symptoms. It is better to see a doctor when it becomes more serious.

5. Headache

Because the cells of lung cancer can be metastasized, it is common for them to enter the brain with the metabolism or blood circulation of the human body. Therefore, headaches may also be caused by their own blood vessels are not smooth or the metastasis of lung cancer cells. It cannot be treated as a migraine.

These signals are all signs that smokers may have lung cancer, but some people think that such signals can only be seen after smoking for a long time, which is actually wrong. More and more young smokers are suffering from lung cancer. I hope to draw everyone's attention and give up smoking as soon as possible!

After 20 minutes of stopping smoking, the body will begin to "self repair", so it's never too late to stop smoking!

How to prevent lung cancer for smokers

Cigarettes contain a large number of toxins and carcinogens. Only by removing these toxins accumulated in the body can the body function be restored to normal. In addition to relying on the self repair and adjustment of the lungs, we can also help ourselves. To help people who smoke reduce their injuries, try the following!

Diet conditioning

Fruits and vegetables - supplement of vitamins: smoking will reduce the activity of vitamins and consume a lot. Eating more food rich in vitamins is very beneficial to smokers. Vitamin C is rich in oranges, oranges, lemons, pomelos, tomatoes, cherries, etc. Vitamin B2 is rich in animal liver, egg yolks, milk, milk, lean meat, spinach, etc.

Tea instead of smoke - dandelion green tea, alligator tea

Do not smoke in the morning. Instead, drink tea. Smokers should drink green tea. Through urination, toxins inhaled into the body can be discharged. Dandelion has the effect of clearing fire, diuresis, anti-inflammatory and sterilization, can reduce the breath caused by smoking, and alleviate pharyngitis, gastritis and hepatitis. In addition, dandelion has the effect of clearing lung and resolving phlegm for smokers.

Regulate emotions

According to the epidemiological data, the occurrence of lung cancer is closely related to people's emotional fluctuations, especially the frequent negative emotions, loss, and depression are very likely to cause endocrine disorders, increasing the probability of bacteria invading the body.

Good living habits

Due to the extreme pressure of people's life, staying up late, smoking and drinking have become some people's pastimes, and these pastimes are bad habits.

Frequent staying up late, smoking and drinking will not only lead to the decline of the body's immunity and increase the chance of disease invasion, but also an important factor in causing lung cancer. Therefore, if you want to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer, you must maintain good living habits and regular work and rest.

Actively exercise

With the rapid development of science and technology, various means of transportation have emerged, which has led to the lack of physical exercise. However, if you don't exercise regularly, your immunity will decline. Because in order to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer, we must regularly take time for physical exercise in life to reduce the physical and mental damage caused by lung cancer.

Regular physical examination

Because people usually do not have the habit of regular physical examination, so that the body is abnormal, and can not be found in time.

Therefore, regular physical examination is a necessary way to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer, especially for friends with family inheritance.

Actively treat chronic diseases

Because people's awareness of seeking medical treatment is not strong, many people will not seek medical treatment immediately as long as the impact on the body is small. Most of the practices are laissez faire, mainly procrastination. However, chronic diseases will lead to canceration after being delayed or cured for a long time.

Conclusion: Many people know the harm of smoking, but when it comes to quitting smoking, I believe many people will find it difficult. But if your body appears these signals in the text, please stop smoking. Such a body is no longer suitable for smoking, and you should actively receive treatment.

Old Gun 2024-06-20 11:21:58

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