How much sugar is in a cane

Thousands of miles in autumn Ask questions on June 15, 2024-19:27:20
Recommended answer

Sugarcane is a common fruit in our life. It contains a variety of nutrients. It has sufficient water and tastes sweet and delicious. Many people like it. A piece of sugar cane has more sugar, about 90 grams of sugar. It is a fruit with high sugar content and is not suitable for diabetics.

How much sugar is there in a cane

The sugar content of sugarcane is about 90g. Sugar content will vary depending on the type and weight of sugarcane.

Sugarcane is a fruit with high sugar content. The sugar content per 100 grams of sugarcane is 17% - 18%. Sugarcane has high water content, fructose and glucose content. Excessive consumption will lead to too much sugar that cannot be absorbed by the body and converted into heat, which will lead to increased fat and affect the effect of weight loss.

Where does the sugar of sugarcane come from

It comes from water in the soil and carbon dioxide in the air.

The organic matter produced by photosynthesis and the raw materials for photosynthesis are carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and water in the soil. Green plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into energy storage organic substances through chloroplasts, and release oxygen. This process is called photosynthesis. In this process, material conversion and energy conversion are completed.

Sugarcane grows vigorously in the early stage, but its stem is not sweet at this time, and then gradually accumulates sugar from the bottom to the top. The lower internode stores sucrose, while the upper internode stores more water and glucose. The sweetness of glucose is very talkative, but sugarcane bud can be used directly.

Precautions for eating sugarcane

1. When purchasing, pay attention to buying some high-quality sugar cane, not some mildewed and red sugar cane, because the mildewed sugar cane may produce a lot of toxins, which may lead to nausea and vomiting after eating, and even death in serious cases.

2. For some people with spleen deficiency and cold body or weak constitution, try to eat less sugar cane, because sugar cane is cold, which may lead to increased cold in the body, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Thousands of miles in autumn 2024-06-17 10:31:26

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