Spring bamboo shoots can be kept for several days at room temperature

Memory also faded Ask questions at 11:37:18, June 13, 2024
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Spring bamboo shoots are a popular food in life. They can be eaten in many ways, either fried or boiled. They can be eaten together with a variety of ingredients. They taste very good and are loved by people. Spring bamboo shoots can be stored at room temperature for a short time. After peeling, they can be stored for a day or two at most. If they are not peeled, they can be stored for a week or so at most.

Spring bamboo shoots can be kept for several days at room temperature

1. Store at room temperature

If the bamboo shoots are not shelled, they can be stored for about half a month, but if they are shelled, they can only be stored for about 2 days. Because they will age after being stored for a long time, it is necessary to eat them fresh as soon as possible.

2. Storage of cylinders at normal temperature

Take containers, barrels, cans, etc., and lay 7-10 cm thick wet river sand on the bottom. Put the intact spring buds in a container with the top facing up, fill the gap with river sand, and then cover it with 7-10 cm river sand. After completely covering the top of the spring buds, move them to a cool and ventilated place. They can be stored for 30-50 days without deterioration.

Will spring bamboo shoot go bad at room temperature

Improper storage may cause damage.

Spring bamboo shoots are rich in water and easy to mildew and deteriorate when stored at room temperature. It is generally recommended to wrap the bamboo shoots with newspapers, then wrap them with plastic bags, and put them in the refrigerator for refrigeration. It is recommended to take it within one week.

Soak the bamboo shoots in water, and then scald them. Soak them in cold water and replace them with clean water 1-2 times a day. This may last for half a month. In addition, adding some edible salt also has antibacterial and bactericidal effects.

How to choose spring bamboo shoots

1. Look at the color

The upper part of the newly dug bamboo shoot skin is dark brown, but the bottom skin is white. After being placed for a long time, the color of the upper part of the outer skin of the stale bamboo shoots is very black, and the white at the bottom begins to turn yellow; If the bamboo shoots are shelled, the freshness of the bamboo shoots can be determined according to the whiteness of the meat.

2. Smell the smell

The fresh bamboo shoots dug out through the soil will have a strong earthy flavor and the light bamboo shoots smell of the spring shoots themselves. However, if it is kept for a long time, the spring buds may not smell the smell of soil, and if it deteriorates, it may also have a pungent smell.

3. Touch with hands

Whether it is shelled or shelled bamboo, if it is fresh, it will feel smooth. However, if the bamboo shoots are stored for a long time, they will feel dry, and some parts will produce mucus adhering to the surface. It is not recommended to choose and buy such bamboo shoots.

Memory also faded 2024-06-17 10:34:01

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