How to draw lots for Disney Manyue Restaurant

Xiaoxiang Night Rain Ask questions on 2024-06-13 12:43:07
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There will be many special benefits in Disneyland. The Manyue Restaurant Lottery is one of the most interesting activities. Tourists can join the lottery by binding on the official app of Shanghai Disneyland, which can also form teams. It is said that the more people form teams, the higher the chance of winning the lottery.

How to draw lots for Disney Manyue Restaurant

1. Download the official app of "Shanghai Disney Resort" in advance, and create an account with your mobile phone number in advance

2. After check-in, open the App login account, click "Journey" at the bottom of the home page, and then click the upper right corner Scan the QR code on the back of the ticket or annual card, and bind it to the account

3. Then click the bottom "Home", find the one circled on the right and click to enter

4. Click the purchase quota button

5. Click "Associate Ticket or Annual Pass" and scan the QR code on the back of the ticket to associate and bind

Small suggestion: the rate of winning lots in the team is higher

How to form a team: if you continue to scan other people's tickets, the QR code will be automatically added

6. Tick √ in the box, remember that all members of the team should tick √, and then click the "Continue" button below

7. The lottery result is displayed immediately

√ Winning the bid - the design is Manyue Restaurant

X failed - the pattern is the Qibao wallpaper

Introduction to Disney Manyue Restaurant Lottery

As a resident player who often comes to draw lots, I want to write down some of the draw notes I know to the new games I visited Disney for the first time. You are also welcome to add

1. Everyone can draw lots on the home page of Disney app after entering the park. After winning the lot, you can buy the selected products of Manyue Restaurant. If you fail to win, the words "wallpaper" will appear. After 9:30, you can query the selected products of Manyue in the ATD applet (incomplete, but you can know the main products)

2. Try to enter the park in the morning. The earlier you enter the park, the higher the probability of winning the lottery. I heard that the probability of winning the lottery in a team of five people is also higher

3. There are some cards that are more likely to win the lottery. For example, there are 9 points and 19 points for cards. There are also 5 cards and 8 cards. They are not fixed. It depends on some luck

4. The important point is that after winning the lot, it is better to open the details at the point where the winning result is queried. The number of winning lots is queried. Occasionally, there are also such oolong events as five people winning the lot, four people winning the lot, or three people winning the lot

5. One more thing, Manyue Restaurant can only be entered by those who win the lottery, and staff will scan the code to query

Time of draw for Disney Manyue Restaurant

18: You can draw lots when you enter the park before 00. It is said that the earlier the time is, the higher the chance is.

From August 15, 2022, tourists will have the opportunity to obtain "tickets for purchasing in the park of selected commodities" by participating in the "lottery for purchasing quota in the park of selected commodities" activity of the official app of Shanghai Disney Resort. Please check the activity details on the home page of the app.

For the popular goods with high demand, the resort will launch a new shopping method for all visitors to Shanghai Disneyland - "lottery for purchasing quota in the park of selected goods", which will be put into trial operation in the official app of Shanghai Disneyland Resort from August 15.

Specifically, tourists who enter Shanghai Disneyland at any time before 18:00 on the day of the park and participate in the lottery by binding tickets to the official app will have equal opportunities to participate in the lottery on that day and win the opportunity to buy some special commodities in the park. Winners can go to Manyue Restaurant in Fantastic Garden of Shanghai Disneyland to buy special products at the specified time on the day of winning the lottery.

Xiaoxiang Night Rain 2024-06-17 10:37:12

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