What does a posthumous child mean

Middle aged old women and men's idols Ask questions on June 13, 2024-17:00:56
Recommended answer

This mainly refers to the child born by a pregnant woman after the death of her husband. It refers to the death of her father when the child was born. This kind of phenomenon is relatively common in today's world. Some people think it is a continuation of happiness, while others think it is a remedy for regret.

Do posthumous children have rights?

It has rights. According to the current provisions, the right of inheritance belongs to civil rights, and can be enjoyed as long as it enjoys the capacity for civil rights. According to the provisions of our country, citizens' capacity for civil rights starts from the day of birth and ends at the end of death. According to the provisions of the inheritance law of our country, the inheritance share of the fetus should be effectively reserved when the inheritance is divided. It can be seen that when the fetus does not have the right to life, a part of the share should be reserved when dealing with the inheritance.

Should a posthumous child be born?

It should be combined with the actual situation. For example, if the gestational age is longer than 7 months, abortion is not allowed in law unless there are medical reasons. In addition, in this process, abortion will have a fatal impact on personal health, and will affect the health of pregnant women, even their lives. Generally, they will not choose abortion. In addition, if it is a baby of a relatively small month, women can consider the economy, consider their own time and a series of other aspects, and then make a choice to avoid making themselves regret after the birth of the baby.

Are these cruel people who don't want to be born?

This is not a cruel person. You should know that there are very strict conditions for the posthumous son to stay, and everyone's standards are not the same. For example, a woman may have forgotten her husband after a period of time, so she decides to start a new family, but what should she do about the child left behind. After birth, most children will face many hidden dangers, even being ridiculed from childhood to metropolis. Therefore, when facing this problem, it is recommended to take appropriate consideration and make a good choice.

Middle aged old women and men's idols 2024-06-17 10:35:55

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