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 Zigong Gynecology Hospital

Zigong Gynecology Hospital

Specialized hospital Characteristic hospital

Zigong Gynecology Hospital, Zigong Gynecology, Zigong Gynecology Special Hospital


Hospital address: Zigong Gynaecology Hospital is located in Zigong City, Sichuan Province consult a map

Hospital scale: Total number of beds/80, daily outpatient quantity/190 times

Medical treatment process: 1. Unified hospital or network registered diagnosis and treatment. 2. First visit patients can rely on Visit Guide

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Hospital profile: Zigong Gynecology Hospital is a medical institution integrating prevention, medical treatment and rehabilitation services. Since its establishment, the hospital has always adhered to the medical concept of "people-oriented and patient centered", equipped with complete departments, experienced clinical teams, and implemented the "no holiday hospital", striving to improve the quality of medical services, striving to create a comfortable and warm green medical garden, and establish a sincere, understanding and harmonious medical environment. The hospital also focuses on patients in terms of service and high-quality medical treatment Detailed introduction

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