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 Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital

Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital

Specialized hospital Vitiligo Hospital

Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital, Luoyang White Spot Hospital


Hospital address: Luoyang City, Henan Province consult a map

Hospital scale: Total number of beds/80, daily outpatient quantity/190 times

Good at disease: Vitiligo, childhood vitiligo, adolescent vitiligo, female vitiligo, vitiligo, vitiligo vulgaris

Medical treatment process: 1、 After arriving at Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital, first register at the medical guide desk, and then go to Visit Guide

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Hospital profile: Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital is a Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital integrating prevention, scientific research, teaching and communication in western Henan. Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital is a scientific research and teaching institution targeting skin diseases (vitiligo); Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital has achieved comprehensive and rapid development in the prevention, inspection, diagnosis and treatment, education and other aspects of skin diseases (vitiligo). Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital has been established so far, specializing in various types of vitiligo, especially for early vitiligo, progressive and stable vitiligo Detailed introduction

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  •  South Asia South Asia

    Doctor Professor

    be good at: The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine has its own unique treatment plan for vitiligo, especially for early vitiligo, progressive vitiligo, stable vitiligo, and female vitiligo

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  •  Feng Chao Feng Chao


    be good at: The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine for the treatment of complicated skin disease vitiligo, as well as the symptomatic treatment with high-tech equipment, has a relatively unique method. It can accurately grasp the clinical symptoms and manifestations of vitiligo in various types and stages, and formulate personalized treatment plans for different types of vitiligo patients. The treatment cycle is short and the results are fast. It has some experience in clinical treatment of vitiligo

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  •  Jiang Yan Jiang Yan


    be good at: Comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo, sporadic vitiligo, acral vitiligo, mixed vitiligo, intractable vitiligo, and health management after the recovery of vitiligo for different people of all ages.

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Hospital Atlas All pictures
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Visit evaluation
  •  -Jiang Huihui


    Disease: Vitiligo Doctor's attitude: Diagnosis and treatment effect:

    Today, I found a small white spot on my back. After examination, I learned that it was vitiligo. My friend introduced me to Luoyang vitiligo hospital, and the doctor gave me a targeted examination. Later, the doctor gave me phototherapy plus drug treatment. After more than three months of treatment, the white spot has recovered. Thank you Luoyang vitiligo hospital, which deserves to be a hospital specializing in vitiligo.

    2023-05-23 Doctor: Jiang Huihui
  •  -Feng Jiaxin


    Disease: Vitiligo vulgaris Doctor's attitude: Diagnosis and treatment effect:

    I have had vitiligo for several years. I have been treating vitiligo in Luoyang Hospital for more than half a month. It seems that the vitiligo is slowly recovering, and the white spots are beginning to subside. It is not as exaggerated as before. I feel that the edges are shrinking and very excited. I will continue to treat it later.

    2023-05-23 Doctor: Feng Jiaxin
  •  -Han Lina


    Disease: Female vitiligo Doctor's attitude: Diagnosis and treatment effect:

    The doctor of Luoyang Vitiligo Hospital has rich experience and has been engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo for many years. She was very patient when she saw me and knew about my previous medication. She said that the disease was not very serious, and it would be easy to cure with treatment.

    2023-05-23 Doctor: Han Lina
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